UK gov’t data show vaccinated Brits overrepresented in all-cause deaths

Updated: February 28, 2023 at 11:57 am EST  See Comments

Tue Feb 28, 2023 – 10:27 am EST

(The Daily Sceptic) — The new official data on deaths by vaccination status in England were released on February 22 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and they show the vaccinated are over-represented in all-cause mortality in all age groups for most of 2021 and all of 2022.

The charts showing this, produced by Joel Smalley, are reproduced below. While confounders cannot be excluded with these data, it would also be fair to say that they are hardly indicative of a protective effect, particularly given the healthy vaccinee bias which means vaccinated people are usually healthier on average than unvaccinated people.

I should note that there appear to be some serious issues with the ONS data that need to be addressed. In particular the population estimates seem very low, particularly for the unvaccinated.

Linked to this, while all deaths appear to be included, the population data only include individuals registered on the census. Since the unvaccinated are less likely to be registered on the census, this will artificially increase the death rate in the unvaccinated population.

There are also some missing data which Dr. Clare Craig has pointed out to the ONS

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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