By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 17, 2016  Updated: May 17, 2016 at 7:36 pm EST

Astronomer Paul Cox employed by Slooh, an organization with close ties to NASA, makes an astonishing claim: our solar system contains two suns.

The amount of deception fed to the public by government organizations is utterly astonishing. The reality is that truth is far stranger than science fiction. NASA, the space agency of the United States, is an agency dedicated to cover-ups.

Recently Freedom Fighter Times was sent an email regarding the possibility of two suns, and attached was a forum post as well as an image of an email with some shocking revelations regarding our solar system.

The real question, and mystery is; do we live in a binary solar system? The following image is a supposed email with an astronomer known as Paul Cox, who works with SLOOH, and happens to be a very well-known astronomer. Paul happens to mention during the Mercury transit live broadcast that our solar system contains two suns.

The amount of deception that goes into the workings of covering up the truth about our solar system is flat out astonishing. The reality is even though this is not a 100% confirmation of the possibility of a second sun in our solar system; the truth inches closer and closer.

Just as the truth about planet x came out, so will the truth about the possibility of a second sun. Regardless of how much NASA and other government agencies attempt to hide the truth, eventually it will be beyond their abilities to hide the truth.

Paul comments in his email that he has been told not to comment anymore regarding the matter. However, during his live broadcast, it was surely mentioned that our solar system houses a second sun.

There is potential for these claims to be true. The truth movement is gaining ground every day, despite the lengths the powers that be go to shut out the truth.

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7 years ago

Pretty sure a guy with the education of Paul Cox wouldn’t compose an email that reads like a grade schooler, but that’s just me.

7 years ago

Paul Cox has been pretty clever in his response, saying much to those with the eyes to see “specialist architect”. Thanks for the ‘heads up’ Paul.The Earth is FLAT, the Moon’s a balloon and NASA are a bunch of anti-Christian liars.

7 years ago

I have taken 7 pictures, and I’m so scare!!!! I ha e seen 2 suns on the sky, I have use different filters to make sure this is real and sure it is. What do I do. What’s going to happen. I want people to see them. Clear as water. Not a cloud or smok lo super clean pictures that had make me so sacare. Please advise me and let me know what do I do with this pictures. You can see the small sun right next to ours!!! Help

Neil A.
Neil A.
6 years ago
Reply to  Danny

share them !! id love to see the truth, and be able to finally pass the lies of governments and governement organizations.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker
8 years ago

It was just a joke. British dry humour,similar to the Mitchell and Web show, e.g. their conspiracy theory sketches. Apart from the obvious absurdity of the statement, which you can test just by looking at the sun through a sun filter to check that there’s only one sun there – you can also tell if you listen carefully and are used to this type of humour – he does an increase in speed on the last sentence and very slight rapid upward pitch glide as he says. “There it is, it’s true” in the video from the Mercury transit on SLOOH.

For those who come to this from outside the UK, we feel that the humour is lost unless you say it totally deadpan – you mustn’t give it away or it is no longer quite so funny to us. You can hint with your delivery as he does with his last sentence, but it has to be a subtle hint that you’ll only catch if you are looking for it.

The humour comes when you take it seriously momentarily even if you know it is nonsense – because someone distinguished, or a friend or whatever, best if they are quite respectable – says it so dead pan – and then suddenly the penny drops. It’s not the sort of humour where you laugh out loud, more a kind of “wry smile” humour but culturally, we rather relish it.

I find it hard to understand how anyone can take this seriously – but they do. I write articles about asteroid impacts – how we can detect and prevent them – and I get many very worried people who think we might have two suns in the sky along with many other impossible things such as a planet in a 3600 year orbit staying opposite the sun from our planet Earth in a one year orbit for years at a time. Goodness knows how anyone can believe such things, but they do sincerely believe that and they get very anxious and sometimes even suicidal about it.

You just need to put on a pair of those solar eclipse glasses and look at the sun to see there’s only one sun there, or glance at it briefly.

(Standard warning – don’t stare for directly at the sun even through clouds for more than seconds, it can cause permanent eye damage and never look at it with binoculars or a telescope unless you have a proper sun filter between the telescope optics and the sun and know how to use it and check it for gaps).

See also my “Simple ways to see that Nibiru is totally nuts” (easy to find with a google search)”

8 years ago

A follow up on a site called WTF Sky was published on May 23, 2016 with another short e mail from Paul Cox in which he appears to label the whole thing a hoax. I found the entire presentation on that site disgusting and shared my feelings at some length.

So now we have two likely scenarios.

1) It’s a hoax, a fraud, perpetrated by Paul Cox and Slooh in the interests of a publicity campaign. If that is the case I hope we can fry their butts and demand a public apology and full discussion of the underlying issue which is the multiple observations of the Nemesis system.

2) Slooh lost control of Cox briefly and have now re-engaged him via threat or other means to shut down further discussion.

Clearly someone needs to vet the assertion that Cox had any sort of background as an architect. I’m not seeing that online. That would be an important indication.

The fact that no other observation during this time showed the same image suggested option 1 with the subtext that it may have the secondary (primary?) goal of spreading disinfo that can later be “debunked”. Why these degenerates would feel motivated to set any of this in motion is simply beyond me. If this system is coming what possible use is that to delay the inevitable in terms of public awareness?

Oddly enough the disgusting commentator at WTF Sky used her short e mail from Cox to chastise the community for believing the original story and seemed perfectly at ease with the little “joke” itself. Very odd business.