Published: November 20, 2016  Updated: April 29, 2018 at 8:39 am EST

Mark of the Beast: The Masses Are in Trouble, Mainstream Doctors Now Pushing To Get ‘Chipped’

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The RFID chip is a well-known microchip tracker, placed in both dogs and cell phones. Are humans next? According to Dr. Oz, and his producers getting chipped is the next big thing.

Related: Our World Will Never Be The Same: AI, Neural Implants, Augmented Intelligence, and Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
16 And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

In the clip, Dr. Oz announces the RFID chip will be placed in one’s wrist. Meanwhile, his producer stated that it could be used for purchases, and replace passports or id cards.

Many people still claim that the RFID chip is to sci-fi, but according to Dr. Oz and his producers – over ten thousand people have already been ‘chipped.’

Does that mean that ten thousand people have already received a version of the Mark of the Beast? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

According to the World Economic Forum, the next industrial revolution is not about how mankind will design tools but rather how mankind will become the tools. Or in other words, how can technology reshape us.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will be the last, because after it fully takes shape – mankind won’t exactly be human anymore.

The masses are in trouble, and it is up to us to wake them up to the deception of ‘getting chipped.’

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7 years ago

There is much controversy over the mark of the beast, when in fact those who are pledging allegiance to the flag, are serving idols…The mark of the beast is spiritual, and identical to the pledge of allegiance to the flag…When the Germans used their right hand to salute Hitler, or to pledge allegiance to the flag, there was no physical mark in the right hand, or on the forehead of the pledger, because the mark (name) of Hitler, or of the flag (Germany), was spiritual in the heart, or in the mind…The mark of the beast in the right hand means the name of the beast is going to be in the heart of the worshipper…And the mark of the beast on the forehead means the name of the beast is going to be in the mind of the worshipper…Its going to be like when the king of Babylon the great played the national anthem at the sound of music, the Babylonians fell down and worship the gold image, and those who refused to worship the gold image, were cast into a fiery furnace…When the US citizens use their right hand to pledge allegiance to the US flag, there is no physical mark in the right hand, or forehead of the pledger, because the mark (name) of the pledge of allegiance to the flag (US), is spiritual in the heart, or in the mind…Those who are pledging allegiance to the flag, and those who are going to worship the beast its going be because they do not believe what God said in Ex.20:1-5, and De.4:15-19…When the US plays the national anthem at the sound of music, the US citizens stand on their feet to sing the song “old glory” to the star spangled of heaven…The only way to avoid the mark of the beast, idol worship, false gods, and doctrines of devils, is by believing what God said in Ex.20:1-5, and De.4:15-19…The devil deceived the founding fathers of the nations, and they made images of the stars, of the moon, of the sun, of birds, and four footed beasts, in the likeness of heaven above and in the likeness of the earth below, and set the images in the flag to serve them, and the flag is high and lifted up on a flag pole…The devil uses Romans 13 to deceive those who don’t believe what God said…The ministers of God cannot see the idols high and lifted up on a flag pole, because the devil has blinded the minds of the ministers with the so-called “constitution” of “liberty and justice for all”…The god of the US is the star spangled of heaven and the bald eagle of the earth…The god of Canada is the leaf of the maple tree of the earth…The god of Mexico is the eagle and serpent of the earth…The god of Japan is the sun of heaven…The god of Israel is the star remphan of heaven Acts 7…The nations idols are high and lifted up on a flag pole, and those who are pledging allegiance to the flag are committing fornication with idols…God calls this type of flag service “idolatry”.

Karen Foxx
Karen Foxx
7 years ago

The antichrist is revealed before the Tribulation when the Restrainer/Holy Spirit is removed along with the saints, which the Holy Spirit dwells. Please read 2 Thessalonians 2.

7 years ago
Reply to  Karen Foxx

Dear Karen, Paul wrote nothing about who this restrainer is. So it is useless to put something in there that isn’t anywhere in the holy scripture. The only hint I found is written in Sacharia 5, which is the prophecy behind 2Thess 2. But that’s it. And it is definitely not the holy ghost. Because according to Rev 20:9 there shall be saints here on earth until the very last day. And where there are saints there is the holy ghost.
And there shall be no pre- or midrapture. Please read the following verses very carefully:
Matt 24:9 (»…and shall kill you…); Rev 13:15 (»…should be killed«);
Matt 24:29–31 (»…after the tribulation…and then…«);
Matt 25:31–33 (»When…then…«);
1Kor 15:50–51(»…at the last trumpet…«);
John 6:39–40, 44, 54 (»…at the last day«).

7 years ago
Reply to  Karen Foxx

I agree here is the Bible Verse. 6 And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He[d] who now restrains will do so until He[e] is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

7 years ago

The RFID chip is the first step towards the overall goal of “transhumanism”. The future is for humans to be turned into robotic machines.
I think Dr. Oz should get multiple chips embedded from head to toe if he likes this schitte. This is the same guy who years ago was telling his viewers to get every vaccine that Big Pharma comes out with. Yet he said in private, that he wouldn’t allow his children to be vaccinated. Dr. Oz is one big con artists and those who watch this moron are being bamboozled. Wake up people.

7 years ago

he needs to put the chip up his rectum if he likes being tracked and manipulated what stupid ignorant jack asses in our country.

7 years ago

666 in the book of Revelation is not 666 in English, but the language it was originally written in, which is Greek. The Greek 666 looks just like “allah is god” in arabic. “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” ISIS is already wearing armbands and headbands with this mark on it (just as Revelation states), and they are spreading to other countries.