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Region: , Published: February 7, 2018  Updated: February 8, 2018 at 12:22 am EST

Shockingly, the head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academies for Sciences and Social Sciences has proclaimed that China’s current communist regime, yes the same one persecuting Christians, is the “best [at] implementing the social doctrine of the Church.”

The Vatican Insider originally published the report in which Archbishop Sanchez Sorondo made this statement.
To continue on with the insult, Sorondo praised China as “extraordinary.”

“The economy does not dominate politics, as happens in the United States, something Americans themselves would say,” he said. “You do not have shantytowns, you do not have drugs, young people do not take drugs.”

China’s support of the globalist Paris Climate Agreement – a deal from which President Trump withdrew the United States – means it has assumed a “moral leadership that others have abandoned,” Sorondo said.

We are talking about the same China that demolishes churches, forcing believers to hide. For instance, a few weeks ago the Golden Lampstand church was destroyed due to government officials claiming that the large church with 60,000 worshippers and the largest evangelical community in China, was built in secret without the correct permits.

But yet, Sorondo, the Vatican official says that China is the leader at implementing social doctrine of the church? What doctrine might that be? Atheism? Confucianism? Loyalty to the party? These are the social doctrines that the communist party is based on.
On the other side of the debate is Steven Mosher, social scientist and president of Population Research Institute and author of Bully of Asia. He said that he doesn’t know why the Vatican agreed to replace Catholic bishops with a number of excommunicated fake bishops appointed by the CCP. Could this be part of the social change that Sorondo was referring to?

These illegitimate bishops are hand-picked by the government. Cardinal Joseph Zen, China’s leading prelate, has warned that the Vatican is “selling out the Catholic Church in China ” and that it is “giving the blessing on the new…schismatic Church” created by the Communists.

Mosher said that the so-called “negotiating” between the Church and the Communist government appears to be one-sided. In the past six years of negotiations, he said, he hasn’t seen the Chinese government make any concessions to the Vatican whatsoever, and that even if they had made any private ones, “they couldn’t be trusted to keep them.”

This takes another stab at the catholic church. How legitimate could it be, especially if the head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academies for Sciences and Social Sciences is saying that the corrupt church that exists in communist China is the model for the world? The recent exposure that the bishops are actively being replaced alone should raise questions.

What about the sex crimes committed by their clergy against children that the Vatican continually tries to sweep under the rug? How could the Vatican and the pope have the moral high ground when such evil lies right beneath the surface?

The history of China is filled with tragedy and bloodshed from Mao’s cultural revolution and onward. The human rights concerns in China are frequent, the citizens are heavily surveilled and the police are even taking it so far as to enforce thought crimes in some areas. How could this be the best country at implementing the social doctrine of the catholic church? Unless the catholic church was corrupt, it couldn’t.

Works Cited

Claire Chretien. “Vatican archbishop praises Communist China as ‘best’ at implementing Church’s social doctrine.” Lifesite . . (2018): . .

Dorothy Cummings McLean. “Social scientist: Vatican is ‘negotiating the surrender’ of China’s real Church to the Communists.” Lifesite. . (2018): . .

Benjamin Haas . “China church demolition sparks fears of campaign against Christians.” Guardian. . (2018): . .

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6 years ago

I really have to hand it to this scum who prefers to be called, “His Holiness”! He’s certainly not afraid to show his true Luciferic Jesuit colors, despite what his ignorant followers would have him do! This sock puppet is the antithesis of God’s holiness, and he’s taking his rightful place in fulfillment of last days’ prophecy. He’s preparing the way for the Antichrist, whether he knows it or not. Politics has replaced Biblical Christianity in his life, as if he ever had it to begin with.

Doctrine is the key word we need to hone in on. The true Christian Church has been teaching doctrine for centuries, and that’s why there has been a schism between Protestantism and RCism. As the question has been raised, what doctrine does he want to implement? Communism, that’s the one! Strip the people of their few remaining rights and freedoms, oppress them even further into mindless submission!

It amazes me how one person with a tiny little piece of real estate in a very tiny country can have so much power and clout over the rest of the world! Deception is obviously, a very powerful weapon when wielded with the right angles of media propaganda!

The pope is so far-removed from being a blood-bought, ransomed child of God, a Biblical Christian on so many levels. He’s leading a counterfeit Christianity; he’s an offshoot of the Pharisees that Christ had to deal with! Christ rightfully called them out, “You’re of your father, the devil.” John 8: 44

Words are sharp and powerful, and like Christ, I don’t mince them. I love the dear RC people, but I hate the evil institution that has robbed them of their lives and the freedom to choose life and to live. The RC cult is no more Christian than Islam or Buddhism is, and more people need to wake up and realize it before it’s too late. These people so desperately need to be led away from the evil vatican and be turned to the Lord Jesus Christ who truly loves them, and wants to free them from it. He wants to love and to bless them…in the here and now, as well as in eternity, but this sock puppet and his pedophilia cronies stand in the way! Pray for them.

6 years ago
Reply to  skywatcher

If more Roman Catholic people and others had read their Bibles and practiced what they read, this gnome wouldn’t have much if any power to wield!

6 years ago
Reply to  skywatcher

Skywatcher wrote,

“If more Roman Catholic people and others had read their Bibles and practiced what they read, this gnome wouldn’t have much if any power to wield!”

I do read the Bible and the Scripture makes me a better and stronger Catholic. There is nothing in the Scripture that contradicts Church teaching. In fact, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church organized the Scripture. You would not have the N.T. if it were not for the Church saying that we need to have a collection of acknowledged writings that are inspired.

6 years ago
Reply to  tasdgs

With all due respect, I’ve been down this road so many times and it gets wearisome. Please remember, I said, I love the R.C. people, and God’s Word, the Holy Bible is the ultimate authority on all things…

You said, “There is nothing in the Scripture that contradicts Church teaching.”

Right from the start, you admit you’ve not read the Holy Bible, as it is replete with doctrine that strongly contradicts the teachings of what you consider to be the “Church”. Even if you consider the R.C. “Church” to be the Church, then again, you’ve confessed that you never read the Holy Bible in its entirety, as it contradicts the “Church’s” teaching as far back as Exodus 20: You shall not make to your any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above…”, e.g. Mary, Jesus, angels. The plot thickens…

In the next verse, God tells Moses, “You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous God…”

The Church is that body of believers who have recognized that they are sinners (Rom. 3: 23), out of step with the very holy God, desperately in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ to restore them to fellowship with the Godhead. There is no other way to God or to His Heaven apart from DIRECTLY asking God to forgive us of our sins (I John 1: 9), through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son: John 14: 6; Hebrews 9: 22, 28.

Nowhere in Scripture are we taught that we must pray to or through Mary; nowhere in Scripture is Mary EVER elevated to where the RC’s put her today and have done so for centuries. Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that priests are NOT to marry; it teaches the polar opposite. Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that we are to use prayer beads, crucifixes, etc., Nowhere in the Holy Bible does it teach anything about purgatory, novenas, or penance. Nowhere in Scripture do we see Peter being set up as a pope; history tells us Peter was crucified upside down. Nowhere in Scripture do we see requirements for infant baptism, and Jesus proved it wasn’t necessary: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” They are pure and innocent until they reach the age of understanding, and then godly parents step in to train them in the things of God. These RC practices are doctrines that were made by evil and self-serving popes many centuries ago, to keep the people under control.
History backs this up, and your current pope proves it today.

Having said that, what bible are you reading?


“Many who never smoked a day in their life but warmed a church pew for many years will smoke forever in the lake of fire.”

6 years ago
Reply to  Skywatcher

Skywatcher wrote,

“With all due respect, I’ve been down this road so many times and it gets wearisome.”

I believe that I have never spoken with you but if you want to go down that road again then I would be happy to do so.

“Please remember, I said, I love the R.C. people, and God’s Word, the Holy Bible is the ultimate authority on all things…”

Where does it say that the Bible is the ultimate authority on all things? If you cannot find it or if your assertions are proven untrue then you have to admit that the claim of “the Holy Bible is the ultimate authority on all things” is a man made tradition. Furthermore, if it is the ultimate authority, then should it not be self explanatory? We know that is not true since there are many denominations out there saying that they are the right ones who are interpreting it correctly. I cannot envision Our Lord creating such chaos.

“Right from the start, you admit you’ve not read the Holy Bible, as it is replete with doctrine that strongly contradicts the teachings of what you consider to be the “Church”.”

I would like to see some of these contradictions. Maybe you can show some.

“you’ve confessed that you never read the Holy Bible in its entirety, as it contradicts the “Church’s” teaching as far back as Exodus 20: You shall not make to your any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above…”, e.g. Mary, Jesus, angels. The plot thickens…”

If we are not to make any graven image in the heaven above or on the earth beneath then does that mean that God contradicted Himself? Take a look at these verses,

* Ex 25:18-19 – make two cherubim of beaten gold * Num 21:8-9 – Moses made bronze serpent & put on pole * 1Kgs 6:23-29 – temple had engraved cherubim, trees, flowers * 1Kgs 7:25-45 – temple had bronze oxen, lions, pomegranates

Also, if you have pictures of family members then are you no guilty also of making graven images? You accuse me of not reading the Bible but it does make one wonder if you are not reading it as well.

“The Church is that body of believers who have recognized that they are sinners (Rom. 3: 23), out of step with the very holy God, desperately in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ to restore them to fellowship with the Godhead. There is no other way to God or to His Heaven apart from DIRECTLY asking God to forgive us of our sins (I John 1: 9), through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son: John 14: 6; Hebrews 9: 22, 28.”

That is 100% Catholic belief.

“Nowhere in Scripture are we taught that we must pray to or through Mary;”

Let me ask you if you believe in intercessory prayer? The Scripture teaches intercessory prayer. Asking the Blessed Mother to pray for me is no different than asking you to pray for me. Can I go straight to Our Lord with my prayers? Of course? Is it okay for others to pray for me? Yes. Since that is the case then there would not be any problem.

“nowhere in Scripture is Mary EVER elevated to where the RC’s put her today and have done so for centuries.”

* Lk 1:28, 30 – angel: “full of grace, found favor with God * Lk 1:42 – Elizabeth: “most blessed among women” * Lk 1:48 – Mary: “all generations will call me blessed”

“Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that priests are NOT to marry;”

There are priest who are married. My associate pastor is a priest and he is married. But if you are looking for it in the Scripture then here it is,

* Eph 5:21-33 – marriage is good: holy symbol of Christ & church * Mt 19:12 – celibacy praised by Jesus, who was chaste * Jer 16:1-4 – Jeremiah told not to take wife & have children * 1Cor 7:8 – St. Paul was celibate * 1Cor 7:32-35 – celibacy recommended for full-time ministers

“Nowhere in Scripture does it teach that we are to use prayer beads, crucifixes, etc.”

One does not have to use prayer beads or even say the Rosary in order to get into Heaven. The Rosary is simply a meditation upon the life of Christ. Surely there is nothing wrong with meditating upon the life of Christ.

As for crucifixes why would they be wrong?

” Nowhere in the Holy Bible does it teach anything about purgatory,”

* Mt 5:48 – be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect * Heb 12:14 – strive for that holiness without which cannot see God * Jam 3:2 – we all fall short in many respects * Rev 21:27 – nothing unclean shall enter heaven * Jam 1:14-15 – when sin reaches maturity gives birth to death * 2Sam 12:13-14 – David, though forgiven, still punished for his sin * Mt 5:26 – you will not be released until paid last penny * Mt 12:32 – sin against Holy Spirit unforgiven in this age or next * Mt 12:36 – account for every idle word of judgment day * 2Macc 12:44-46 – atoned for dead to free them from sin * 1Cor 3:15 – suffer loss, but saved as through fire * 1Pet 3:18-20; 4:6 – Jesus preached to spirits in prison * 2Tim 1:16-18 – Paul prays for dead friend Onesiphorus * 1Cor 15:29-30 – Paul mentions people baptizing for the dead


Ascension: Day 40, apostles go into prayer.
41 Pray – First day of prayer.
42 Pray – Day 2 43 Pray – Day 3 44 Pray – Day 4 45 Pray – Day 5 46 Pray – Day 6 47 Pray – Day 7 48 Pray – Day 8 49 Pray – Day 9 Pentecost: Holy Spirit descends

Nine (novena) days of prayer.


Job 42:6, Ecclesiasticus 2:22 That is for starters.

“Nowhere in Scripture do we see Peter being set up as a pope;”

* Mt 16:18 – upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church * Mt 16:19 – give you keys of the kingdom; power to bind & loose

“Nowhere in Scripture do we see requirements for infant baptism,”

* Jn 3:5; Mk 16:16 – baptism required for entering heaven * 1Cor 15:21-22 – in Adam all die, in Christ all made alive * Mk 10:14 – let children come; to such belongs the kingdom * Lk 18:15 – people were bringing even infants to him… * Col 2:11-12 – baptism has replaced circumcision * Jos 24:15 – as for me and my house, we will serve Lord * Mt 8:5ff. – daughter healed because of centurion’s faith * Mt 15:21ff. – daughter healed because of Canaanite woman’s faith * Lk 7:1ff. – just say the word, and let my servant be healed * Acts 16:31 – believe in Lord Jesus you & house will be saved * Acts 16:15 – she was baptized, with all her household * Acts 16:33 – he and all his family were baptized at once * 1Cor 1:16 – I baptized the household of Stephanas

“Jesus proved it wasn’t necessary: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.”

If that is the case then what better candidate for baptism than an infant?

“They are pure and innocent until they reach the age of understanding, and then godly parents step in to train them in the things of God.”

1. Do you believe in original sin?
2. If a infant/child dies are they saved? I ask because if you believe that they are saved and if you believe in OSAS but you also believe that one has to believe and then is saved then it must be reasoned that that infant/child lost their salvation at one point only to get re-saved again.

“These RC practices are doctrines that were made by evil and self-serving popes many centuries ago, to keep the people under control.”

And you have to prove this assertion.

“Having said that, what bible are you reading?”

The New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)


Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
6 years ago
Reply to  skywatcher

Skywatcher wrote,

“I really have to hand it to this scum who prefers to be called, “His Holiness”!”

He is called “His Holiness” not out of what he may or may not do but because of the office that he holds. It is like the POTUS. You may not agree with how the President acts but you respect the office that he holds.

“This sock puppet is the antithesis of God’s holiness, and he’s taking his rightful place in fulfillment of last days’ prophecy. He’s preparing the way for the Antichrist, whether he knows it or not. Politics has replaced Biblical Christianity in his life, as if he ever had it to begin with.”

But, yet, Evangelicals/Fundamentalists are very much involved with the politics of this country. Are you not being a little hypocritical here?

“Doctrine is the key word we need to hone in on. The true Christian Church has been teaching doctrine for centuries,”

Yes and this true doctrine is found in the Church that Our Lord Jesus founded, the Catholic Church.

“It amazes me how one person with a tiny little piece of real estate in a very tiny country can have so much power and clout over the rest of the world!”

Almost sounds like you are talking about Israel.

“He’s leading a counterfeit Christianity; he’s an offshoot of the Pharisees that Christ had to deal with! Christ rightfully called them out, “You’re of your father, the devil.” John 8: 44”

How do you know that you are not part of a counterfeit form of Christianity?

“I love the dear RC people, but I hate the evil institution that has robbed them of their lives and the freedom to choose life and to live.”

Flattery will get you nowhere. As the late Archbishop sheen said, “Only one hundred people hate the Church for what it actually is but millions hate it for what they think it is.” Also, we have the freedom to choose. We can either accept Jesus Christ or we can accept sin. The Church has taught that for the past 2000 yrs.

“The RC cult is no more Christian than Islam or Buddhism is, and more people need to wake up and realize it before it’s too late.”

What makes you think that it is a cult? Evangelicalism/Fundamentalism/Protestantism has more in common with Islam than does Catholicism.

“and be turned to the Lord Jesus Christ who truly loves them,”

Do we not all need to turn to Our lord Jesus Christ?

“He wants to love and to bless them…in the here and now, as well as in eternity,”

Are you now speaking of the “health and wealth” gospel? My Lord and Savior does love me and He blesses me with His grace from the Sacraments in the here and the now and He does so in order for me to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Our Lord did promise one thing in this world and it is the cross. As followers of Him we must take up our crosses and follow Him.

Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
6 years ago

As a Catholic I do find this problematic. I do admire the loyal followers of Christ and His Catholic Church in China. I hope that this Archbishop comes to his senses.

Jared De Santis
Jared De Santis
6 years ago

The Pope (His Holiness). I don’t know how he sleeps at night. To bring the church to God through his Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ is not an easy task. Through Him, With Him, In Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours almighty father, forever and ever. I fear for the souls of man. Pride, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Vanity, Sloth, Lust. All deadly sins countered by virtues. Words are powerful; they have meaning and can set thoughts into action. Let virtue become our shared reality and what was once corrupt might become clean again if it is the will of the Father through his Son and the Spirit of Perfection shared between them. My prayers go out to all of you at TheChristianJournal and your audience. You provide humanity with a selfless service and I hope you will one day be rewarded.

6 years ago

The Vatican is Luciferian in doctrine and communist in ideology.

Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

And your proof that it is luciferian and communist in ideology?

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

AMEN! The Lord Jesus Christ would agree with you!