By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 10, 2018  Updated: May 10, 2018 at 8:34 am EST

A Vatican Newspaper, “The Roman Observer,” on May 6th, 2018 published a piece praising Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism, and the co-author of the Communist Manifesto. The publication is the daily newspaper of the Vatican City State and is owned by ‘The Holy See.’

Last Sunday, an article titled “Marx in controluce (Closer to Marx),” was produced by the Holy See’s Newspaper, in which, Cardinal Reinhard Marx praises Karl Marx.

Officially, the founder of communism has been denounced by the Catholic Church since the 19th century. However, Cardinal Marx praised K. Marx and likened him to a ‘Church Father.’


The Cardinal claimed, according to the Roman Observer, that; “We are all on the shoulders of Karl Marx. That does not mean that he is a church father.”

In addition, the Paper quoted the Cardinal as saying; “If one can not, historically, separate a thinker from what others have done later in his name,” it is true, but also true, that he can not be blamed for everything that was committed by his theories in the gulag of Stalin.”


Without rebuttal or a contradicting statement the Pope’s Paper, is in essence, in support of the Communist ideology. A respected Catholic blog, The Eponymous Flower, details the occurrence and reports that; “This outrageous formulation reserved for former popes and church leaders means that Karl Marx is not a church father, but almost one.”

“These astonishingly unrealistic words by the German cardinal [Reinhard Marx] were printed without comment and above all without contradiction by the pope’s daily newspaper.”

Previously, Pope Francis has given the impression that he supports Communism, on November 7th, 2016 it was revealed in an interview with Eugenio Scalfari, an Italian journalist for La Repubblica newspaper, that according to the Pope, “communists think like Christians.”

Scalfari asks; “You told me some time ago that the precept, “Love your neighbor as thyself” had to change, given the dark times that we are going through, and become “more than thyself.” So you yearn for a society where equality dominates. This, as you know, is the programme of Marxist socialism and then of communism. Are you, therefore, thinking of a Marxist type of society?”

In response, the Pope says; “It has been said many times, and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom”.

Works Cited

Michael W. Chapman. “Pope Francis' Newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, Praises Communist Karl Marx.” CNS News. . (2018): . .

The Eponymous Flower. “Osservatore Romano Praises +Marx for Praising Marx.” The Eponymous Flower. . (2018): . .

EUGENIO SCALFARI. “.” Repubblica. . (2016): . .

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S. Yoder
S. Yoder
6 years ago

It should not be a total surprise that Pope Francis has now basically identified himself as a Marxist communist. The globalist world government will be communistic in nature. This is all setting up for the antichrist pope to be revealed in the very near future. It is also interesting that Pope Francis has met with Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and are closely aligning with each other. Erdogan will be revealed as the false prophet. The bible’s antichrist is Islam’s hamadi and the bible’s false prophet is Islam’s muslim jesus. That is the connection to bringing Islam in as a co-leader of the future world government through the United Nations and the 10 then 7 European countries.

art simpson
art simpson
6 years ago
Reply to  S. Yoder

Don’t think so:::

The False Prophet is Pope Francis who opposes and exalts himself. 2 Thes 2:3,4 ( a ” man” son of perdition, not son of God) The angel Antichrist is the seed of Satan of Genesis 3:15. He got Jesus crucified – “bruise his heel” He shall rise from the bottomless pit where Jesus split his head in half, Ge 3:15 “bruise thy head”; Habakkuk 3:13, immediately following the crucifixion; Mt 12:40, with a sword Re 13:14 as the angel, king of the locusts, Re 9:11, at the 5th trumpet, 1st woe, and killed the two witnesses Re 11:7. He is now “is not” and shall ascend from the bottomless pit. Re

6 years ago

A problem with joining a Christian commune group they are full of destructive infiltrators and people that don’t know what they are talking about.

6 years ago

No surprise here! Pope Francis is the False Prophet who will soon point out the Antichrist.

art simpson
art simpson
6 years ago
Reply to  R

The Antichrist is Apollyon, an angel, Re 9:11, the seed of Satan in Genesis 3:15. He is now in the bottomless pit, Re 17:8; where Jesus split his head down to his shoulders with a sword, (“it” Ge 3:15) Mt 12:40; Re 13:3,14; Habakkuk 3:13. He shall rise with the locusts, the 5th trumpet / 1st woe. 2 Thes 2:8,9. Habakkuk wants to be dead when he rises. Habakkuk 3:16. As the incarnation of his father Satan, the beast of the sea shall be the worst thing to ever happen on the earth. Re 13:2. Mt 24:21,22.

6 years ago

Cardinal Marx is a heretic as he supports all types of modernism including gay marriage. As much as he would like it, he and his liberal-minded cronies cannot change Church dogma. The pope does have communist leanings, of course. Look where he comes from. Just because there are grave sinners in the Church, doesn’t mean the Church is wrong. Even Jesus had His Judas.

6 years ago

Communism and Church are an oxymoron. You can see it in China today. They do not coexist. The papacy continues to display its colors like a peacock.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Social Credit really applies the Social Doctrine of the Church。It s a kind enlarged Capitalism 。The problem with Socialism is that you cannot give to a bigger number,what you could do yourself。You should read the Michael Journal。
This must come from the people and not the politicians , since that Doctrine is meant for the
people and not those in power。DON T WAIT AFTER THE OTHERS!START BY YOURSELF!