By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 4, 2018  Updated: September 4, 2018 at 7:45 am EST

At Southwind High School in Memphis Tennessee, a History Teacher attempted to teach students that science disproves religion. Furthermore, that ‘everything your grandparents and parents are teaching you is a lie.’

Notes taken by the granddaughter of the complainant read; “Science explains mature course. The bible is based on faith, not evidence. The church cannot be a source because it is just a building.”

Jackson, the complainant, stated that her grandson was actually forced into a group that was separated by religion and science. Further, her granddaughter also said that everything they learned came from a power point, which she wrote down on paper.

“The group he put my grandson in was the group that was scientific over religion, so he told him ‘I don’t believe in scientific over religion.’ That’s when the teacher told him, ‘Well, you can do two papers,” Jackson said.

Jackson regularly attends church with her family, and the course that was taught at the school was rather upsetting, however, when asked why the teacher did this, he said something about Mississippi laws;

“When they talked to him and asked why did he did it, he said something about Mississippi – something about Mississippi laws.”

The Shelby County School District, when asked about the course, said that high school students regularly discuss current events and trending topics during class, and the assignment was a result.

However, the teacher was instructed to cancel the assignment because it was not apart of the district’s curriculum.

“I really pray it helps other parents understand that there are people there with other beliefs, and they are trying to get our kids to believe in other things,” Jackson said.

Teachers have no authority to distinguish to students what is a lie and what is fact from what is taught to children at home, to do such removes the parental authority, as it levies disbelief into a students mind in regards to any subject.

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Eugene Kachmarsky
Eugene Kachmarsky
6 years ago

Paul Davies, God and The New Physics. There is a growing faction in the scientific community that is slowly coming around to the realization that what science is learning about the nature and operation of the physical universe, especially since the discoveries facilitated by subquantum physics, is CONFIRMING religious explanations of the nature and operation of the physical universe, and that science and religion aren’t mutually exclusive, but mutually reinforcing.

shawn kennedy
shawn kennedy
6 years ago

The Bible is God’s word and God’s word is infallible . In the beginning was the word ,and the word was God.

Wayne Thibodeaux
Wayne Thibodeaux
6 years ago

They did get part of it right. Everything your parents/church are teaching you is a lie. Nothing Christianity does can be found in the bible. Everything Christianity does is a lie. A false name for our Father and HIS set apart spirit using the letter J, which didn’t exist before the latter part of the 16th century. A false Sabbath on a pagan calendar that didn’t exist before the year 46 BC, when it was created by a pagan Roman emperor. Forbidden graven images and idols. Etc. etc. the deceit goes on and on.

6 years ago

The problem isn’t what this teacher has done. The problem is that all opposing viewpoints to what the teacher presented are squelched through separation of church and state laws.

What is not mentioned by the scientific community is that science is based on faith as well. Scripture states that Faith is the “evidence of things unseen.” That covers quite a bit of reality and scientists regularly probe what is unseen because there is evidence of the existence of that unseen world. In addition, the pursuit of knowledge is simply all that science is and knowledge that you are ignorant of is definitely unseen and therefore requires faith to pursue.

Besides, science describes the world we live in but it doesn’t tell us HOW to live in it. Therefore, we should allow the free expression of all ideas so that the bad ones can be dispelled (ie evolution), and the best ideas can be exalted. That is not what we currently have in our education system. Instead, we squelch any “religious” ideas and teachers in order to create a neutral space to educate our youth which sounds ok in theory. But, what is happening is that bad ideas are being allowed to flourish because they exist in a vacuum. Some bad scientific ideas have no push back from thousands of years of religious dogma (some of which may exist for very good reasons) and are allowed to influence and propagandize our innocent minds which has given rise to the environment we now see of social justice warriors, school shootings, and a general mindset of…

“do what thou wilt” – Aleister Crowley.

6 years ago

I’d like to add that what the teacher said about the Church not being a source because it is a building just goes to show the ignorance of the teacher to begin with and proves that bad ideas are allowed to exist in our education system with no pushback. Here is what I mean…

The Greek word “ecclesia” is correctly defined as: “The called-out (ones)” [ECC = out; KALEO = call].

And this idea is confirmed throughout scripture by examples of what these “called out ones” look like and act like. They are saints, they are holy, they are righteous, they are separate from the world and most importantly for my argument here they are NOT a building but rather a group of people which definitely can be and are a source (ie The Bible).

Wayne Thibodeaux
Wayne Thibodeaux
6 years ago
Reply to  JAG

You miss the point. The righteous, or called out ones, are those who obey the word of our Father without hesitation or question, not the religions of man.
For example. Exodus 31:13 tells us we are to guard the Sabbath by all means, it is a SIGN/MARK between us and our Father. Revelation 7, we see the 144,000 are sealed and protected in the last day with the SIGN/MARK of our Father in their foreheads. Revelation 14, we see the 144,000 are seen on Mt. Tsiyon with the returning Messiah Yahusha. They are found blameless before the throne of our Father. They are called a special possession forever. This is the importance of the true Sabbath, identified by using the true calendar of our Father.
Chapters 72-82 of the book of Enoch are the only scriptural instructions to formulate a calendar system. This calendar system is also confirmed in the book of Jubilees. Both of these books have been banned by the religions of man because they prove the religions of man to be deceivers, using a false Sabbath on a pagan calendar, created by a pagan Roman emperor.
I have a Facebook group at the link below to teach the calendar of Enoch.

6 years ago

Sorry Wayne, what point did I miss? The argument I was making was related to the article poseted here…not the mark of the beast.

Concerning your points above, I agree with some of what you mentioned and I disagree with some. You can email me at if you’d like to discuss your topic further.

That said, I do agree with you that we need to be obedient to the Word (of God). However, the law that we are obligated to keep is the not the Mosaic Law but is called “The Law of Christ” or “The law of Liberty” or “The law of righteousness” or “The law of Faith” etc. This is the New Covenant which and the law for this covenant is written on our hearts. We are commanded to obey this law which is both new and not new. It is higher than the Mosaic Law yet similar in that the Mosaic Law contained the elemantary principles of morality within it…But Christ is the END of that Law. We must be perfect in righteousness (stop sinning)…not in circumcision or sabbath keeping.

Grace and Peace

Wayne Thibodeaux
Wayne Thibodeaux
6 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Where do I find these new laws in the scriptures? Mattithyahu 5:18 says not one jot or tittle shall pass away from Torah until the heavens and the earth pass away. I just looked outside, the heavens and the earth are still with us.
Mattithyahu 5:19 says that those who teach the breaking of the commandments will be called least in the kingdom of our Father. It appears you are heading for quite a downfall by teaching the lies of man’s religions.

Wayne Thibodeaux
Wayne Thibodeaux
6 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Where do I find these new laws in the scriptures? Mattithyahu 5:18 says not one jot or tittle shall be taken away from the Torah, till the heavens and the earth pass away. To make sure, I just looked outside and the heavens and the earth are still with us. Mattithyahu 5:19 says those who teach the breaking of the commandments will be the least in the kingdom of our Father.
Seems to me you are heading for quite a downfall.