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Yearly Archives: 2016

The Technological Police State – The ‘Walls’ Are Listening

Expecting to see police everywhere in a modern day police state? Think again. Imagine the world, where a refrigerator, a washing machine, the radio, a smartphone, and the walls are all listening - all the time. That is the police state; and yes, 'the walls are listening.'

Series of earthquakes hit near California-Nevada state line

A series of earthquakes struck near California-Nevada state line.

Pope Francis Involved? 24 Disabled Students in Argentina Sexually Abused By Priests – Charges...

The bodies and atrocities are piling up at the Vatican's door, yet another massive scandal is unfolding, and it's one from Pope Francis' backyard. Twenty-four disabled children were repeatedly sexually abused by priests at the Antonio Provolo Institute for deaf children.

Christianity Under Attack; Record Breaking Numbers Prove The Illuminati’s Assault Against Christianity Worldwide

Christianity is under attack worldwide; new poll numbers state that Christianity is declining; meanwhile, other polls show that Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world.

What did he Know? ‘He’s got a badge, he’s a FBI agent:’ Rogue FBI...

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is often shrouded in mystery. Recently in Grand Rapids Michigan an FBI agent who allegedly shot at a Grand Rapids police sergeant, was arrested and his ramblings tell a story. The only question is, what story?

Soft Robotics and the Artificial Touch – New Robots Have Human Senses, Soft Exoskeletons,...

The robotics devolution is here and it’s down right freaky. Soft robotics are set to gain the ability of human senses, soft exoskeletons, and will shortly be able to literally change shapes.

Mind Control – Government Will Soon Control, Trigger and Read Thoughts; Brain-to-Brain Communication is...

Scientists are actively constructing the method that will forge the way for governmental agencies to influence thoughts, and mind control through devices such as an egg cap. Through technological telepathy anyone ‘connected’ to the system could control, trigger and read thoughts of another individual.

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated by gunman

The Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated as he gave a speech at an Ankara art gallery on Monday by an off-duty police officer who shouted "Don't forget Aleppo" and "Allahu Akbar" as he opened fire.

Global Goal Nine: Infrastructure of the New World Order – Elon Musk to Construct...

While a remodel is needed, the architecture and plans are concerning; the latest proposal by Elon Musk is alarming because of its similarity to the mysterious FEMA tunnels.

Is the CIA trying to Commit A Coup Against Trump? Former U.S Ambassador to...

The CIA appears to be trying to commit a coup against Trump. The Russian hacks could be a false flag committed by the Obama administration.

There’s A War For Your Soul: Churches are being Infiltrated by ‘Deceptive Cults’

Churches across England are reporting that a deceptive cult is attempting to ‘enlighten’ members of the UK’s largest congregations, through ‘deception and control.’

Medical Charts For Patients Now Request RFID Numbers?

Along with forced vaccinations, are hospitals now requesting patients RFID numbers?

Pope Francis Calls Alternative News A ‘Sin’ – Further Indoctrinating The Masses to Follow...

Pope Francis states that by spreading and focusing on scandals, and smearing politicians, you risk becoming like people who have a morbid fascination with excrement.

Next-Level Amazon Grocery Leads Directly to Microchip Implants, Computer Vision Databases, and Totalitarian Machine...

Amazon has created a 'next-level' grocery store in Seattle that does just that by utilizing machine intelligence and facial recognition software. New technology like this is paving the way towards microchip implants, and the mark of the beast.

The Center for Naval Analysis: Society Could COLLAPSE from Global Food Riots Within Eight...

In a mere eight years, the entire world could get reshaped by an astounding 400% increase in food prices, riots, and an oil price spike that could bring global trade to a halt.

Ancient Book of Psalms Found in Irish Wetland; Did God Just Send Israel A...

Did God Almighty just send a direct message to Israel?
satanic temple

Why Does the Satanic Temple Want to Keep The Remains of Aborted Babies?

The Satanic Temple issued a statement about the up and coming law set to go into effect on December 19th, 2016 requiring aborted fetal remains be either buried or cremated.

Setting the Stage for the Antichrist – Recently Authenticated 2,000-Year-Old Tablets Attempt to Alter...

Tablets discovered in 2008 by researchers in Jordan are attempting to change Scripture, who God is, and alter the life of Jesus Christ.

The Religious Brain Project: Sin is Equal To God, According To Scientists and Researchers

Scientists from the religious brain project now claim that God has the same effect on the brain as lovemaking, ecstasy, and music.

Former Senior Manager at BBC – Humans Are A Plague on the Earth That...

According to the globalists and their mouthpieces, humans are a plague on the Earth, and the population must be controlled and culled. All while the next generation educators teach the future generations that having children is a crime, if not a sin against mankind.

Super Soldiers: The Era of Demonic Superhuman Enhancement has Begun, Starting With Synthetic Blood...

"Synthetic blood" is currently being developed to help alleviate blood shortages, but some scientists believe that it may be possible to produce a type of artificial blood that could significantly improve an individual’s physical speed, strength and stamina.

Just In – Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway says no Clinton investigation

The fiery words of Donald Trump on the campaign trail were "lock her up," however it would appear as though the President-elect is not going to seek a special prosecutor.

Mark of the Beast: The Masses Are in Trouble, Mainstream Doctors Now Pushing To...

The RFID chip is a well-known microchip tracker, placed in both dogs and cell phones. Are humans next? According to Dr. Oz, and his producers getting chipped is the next big thing.

US Scientists Discover Technology That Will Bring About ‘Satan’s Miracles’ and ‘Fix DNA’

Scientists have now discovered how to repair 'broken genes' to cure incurable diseases - and potentially bring about satans miracles.

Martial Law in January? Nationwide Protests and Riots Prove The Alarming Communist Future is...

Several organizations are actively planning riots and protests for Trump’s inauguration day. The real question behind the ongoing nation in distress is, are we about to witness Martial Law in January?

Pope Francis Publicly Hails Communism – Then States “It is the Communists Who Think...

November 7, 2016 was the day that Pope Francis openly admitted the truth, he supports communism. In his interview with Eugenio Scalfari, Italian journalist for La Repubblica newspaper he clearly states, “communists think like Christians.”

Global Goal Nine: China, Japan, Russia and South Korea Set to Build MASSIVE Infrastructure...

China, Russia, Japan, and South Korea are all taking part in the plan to create a ‘Super Grid’ which will “power the world,” and is a part of global goal nine.

With Trump Heading to the White House – The Cabal Are Set to Bring...

For many Americans, Donald Trump is a nightmare but not to the bankers and cabal, to them he was the desired candidate. Donald Trump is set to “rebuild” American infrastructure which aligns itself directly with the United Nations Agenda 2030, specifically sustainable development goal nine.

Global Goal Nine: The United Nations Agenda to Foundationally Shift the World into a...

The United Nations, through global goal nine of the Sustainable Development Goals, is set to foundationally shift the current world infrastructure into that of a Global Network Civilization, or in other words a Transborder Union.

Before the Flood: The Alarm is Sounding – Global Depopulation is Next

The agenda behind climate change is not designed to benefit humanity but rather destroy it; in fact, one of the key movements behind the Climate Change agenda is global depopulation, and on November 4th, 2016 that very agenda went into effect.

Wikileaks Bombshell: Hillary Clinton Campaign Involved in Satanic Practice & Witchcraft

In a rather disturbing twist, Wikileaks reveals in the latest batch of Podesta emails that the Clinton Campaign Chair is involved in both Satanic Practice and Witchcraft.

Welcome to the Transition? New Google AI Will Soon “Understand” The Meaning of Search...

Welcome to the transition? Google scientists believe it’s new AI based factotum will be the biggest thing since Google search. So what is factotum?

Ready To Live in A Global Megacity? The United Nations Adopts The New “Urban”...

Under the guise of sustainability and democracy, the United Nations seeks to destroy national sovereignty and stability by constructing global megacities.

Brain Implants: Scientists Take Massive Step Towards The Mark of the Beast With New...

Scientists at the University of Calgary have created a brain chip which can mimic cellular function within the brain, marking a tipping point in biotechnology; and thus further paving the way for a fully functional Brain Computer Interface (BCI) which could be used as a form of the Mark of the Beast.

What in the World is Going On? Tenth Graders Are Being Asked To Persuade...

Imagine you work for a human microchip company. The president has given you the opportunity to make a televised speech to the nation. What would you say to persuade people to get a microchip?

Get Ready For Potential Deception: Scientists Uncover The Tomb of Jesus Christ For First...

For the first time in centuries, scientists have uncovered the original surface upon which Jesus Christ once laid.

State of Georgia Fires Pastor Because of His Faith; Government Didn’t “Approve” Biblical Sermons

In the latest turn of events in the United States Government’s war against Christianity, a Pastor is now being required by a Federal court to turn over the transcripts and notes of all of the sermons he has ever conducted.

TV in Pill Form? Netflix CEO States Future of Entertainment is a Matrix-Like Hallucinogen

As if the distraction box, also known as the television set, wasn’t bad enough; according to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, the future of entertainment will entail a Matrix-Like Hallucinogen pharmacological.

Ready For FEMA Trains? The Proposed High-Speed Railways of the New World Order Are...

One of the most controversial and oldest means of transportation in the United States will now not carry prosperity across the nation, as it once did; but rather it will bring the fastest means of imprisonment across the USA. Coming soon to a ‘Megacity’ near you, is the FEMA death train of the New World Order.

Artificial Intelligence – The Judge, Jury, Lawyer, Journalist, and Executioner

In the days ahead imagine a world in which your crimes were judged not by your fellow peers, but rather by an artificial intelligence.

World Economic Forum: In Seven Years, 2023, The First Mark of the Beast Device...

According to the World Economic Forum in or within seven years, the world’s first implantable mobile device will be sold to consumers.
human brain neural net deep mind

Google, Microsoft, Apple, And the CIA Are Building Machines To Usher in ‘New Age’...

Big Tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple are all working on “new” technologies that in collusion with Big Government Divisions like the CIA will paint a very, very 1984 picture of the USA.

Mark of the Beast Coming Soon: Apple’s Next Goal – A Cashless World

It’s official Apple’s next goal is to eliminate cash, within the next few years. Tim Cook, Apple’s homosexual CEO, claims that Apple Pay could be the catalyst that ultimately gets the world to switch from cash to total digital payments, and the New World Order.

Danger: Scientist Edits Human Embryo For The First Time & Injects A Person for...

Designer Babies are rapidly becoming a reality, for the first time a biologist from Sweden recently publicized his successful editing of human DNA in embryos. Mainly paving the way for both designer babies and removing the hand of God from creation.

UPDATED – Prominent Environmentalist: To Fight Climate Change The United Nations Must Use Depopulation

The United Nations now owns the climate, in a rather sweeping move for control of the weather - the UN successfully adopted the Paris Agreement into its agenda. Citing that Climate Change is the most important issue of our time, environmentalists across the globe have offered solutions that range from cutting emissions to depopulation.

#PodetstaEmails – Clinton Campaign Emails Revealed, Again

Hillary Clinton caught again, the following is a dump of emails found to be rather interesting pertaining to the 2016 (s)elections.

Watch the Second 2016 Presidential Debate Live!

Watch, and join the discussion below regarding the second 2016 presidential debate. Tonight October 9th, 2016 - is fixing to be a very interesting discussion given all of the recent controversy surrounding Donald Trump's decade old words - and Hillary's husband, Bill Clinton's, actions.

Order Out of Chaos: Third World War Rapidly Approaches, International Order Undergoing a Foundational...

The world is on the brink of the most catastrophic war in the history of mankind, the Third World War, and the entire geopolitical landscape is undergoing a foundational shift.

Matt Drudge: They are Manipulating the Data Regarding Hurricane Matthew to Push Paris Agreement

Wait a minute, why in the world would the globalists manipulate the data on Hurricane Matthew? According to Matt Drudge, it is to support Hillary Clinton, but it's far worse than that. The globalists are successfully signing the Paris Agreement.

Drastic Escalation: Russia Sends Bombers To US Coasts, Plans to Reopen Bases in Cuba...

Russia is gearing up for World War 3, in their latest move against the West, Putin is in the process of placing nuclear-capable bombers around the US border and is moving more to the Mediterranean Sea. Plus Russia is planning to reopen the Cold War era bases in both Cuba and Vietnam.