Home 2016 March

Monthly Paper March 2016


The Precipice of the End: What in the World Just Appeared in the Clouds...

There shall be signs in the heavens and tokens in the Earth beneath, that is a depiction given to all mankind about the approximation...

Robert De Niro was clearly threatened by the vaccine establishment to censor the VAXXED...

here has never been an assault against a documentary film in the history of America like the one we've just witnessed over the last...

UPDATED: RED ALERT, What in the Hell is Going on in California? Imagine hiking in the beautiful mountains of California, and all of a sudden, gun shots and loud shouting of “Allah u Akbar.” Then in...

CHEMTRAILS Confirmed; Local News Station Confirms “Barium” in Chemtrails

The admittance of Chemtrails is inching closer and closer to becoming a reality. ABC news, CBS news, and a handful of other news stations...

Showcasing the True Nature of Science: A Scientist Tastes His OWN Leg in Shocking...

A person without faith truly is bound to the flesh, and in this case eating their own flesh. The demented motives of the elite...

The Future; Martial Law Tech, Gravity Sensors that can See Through Walls and Underground Recently the US based research facility, LIGO, discovered gravitational waves proving Einsteins theory of general relativity. However, astrophysicists are not the only ones interested...

DARPA Will Advance Learning Abilities of the Brain; Creating Super Soldiers for Martial Law

Imagine a soldier capable of any task, capable of switching from a grunt to operating a plane within a matter of weeks. The military...

“Tay” Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence Spews the Truth about 9/11, Feminism, and Trump

It is an absolute fact that artificial intelligence will one day rule the world. For a preview of what will actually happen; Tay, Bill...

BREAKING: Did CERN Just Open A Parallel Universe? Another Ghost City Spotted in the... The truth about CERN's activities has been shrouded in mystery since its formation 61 years ago. Another parallel city opened up in China, just...

PROPHECY ALERT: New York and London Will be Home to the New Temple of...

What was once housed in Syria, the unholy temple of Bel or formally known as Baal, will now make a resurrection in New York....

The World is Undergoing a Massive Depopulation Event Right Now!

Adult Baby diaper sales are overtaking baby diaper sales for the first time in the history of the world. The magnitude of this outrageous...

Brussels Terror Attack or False Flag? The Evidence Revealed

Brussels, the multicultural land, recently came under terror attacks by Jihadists. The questions is was this a false flag? Directly before the attacks in...

Brussels Under Attack, Death Toll Rises To 34

Two blasts rocked the departure hall of Brussels’ Zaventem Airport at about 8am local time, reportedly killing 17 people and leaving dozens injured. Authorities...

CERN: The Beast is Awakening From It’s Hibernation For the Biggest Year Yet

It’s that time of year again, CERN is awakening the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from it's "slumber". The LHC is set to begin on...

Do Not Believe What You See: New Technology Alters Facial Expressions in Real-Time

Did you know that every political leader on stage and on live television, could be totally generated by a computer? Through the use of...

2016 CERN Alert: The Wicked COLLIDE

Every year CERN looks for artists, and every year the artwork depicted shows what that year will entail. Last year’s production (in video below)...

Chemtrails Exposed PART 2; CBS* News & CNN State Geoengineering is a Reality, Ongoing...

Originally it was ABC News that stated geoengineering had been ongoing for many years, but now yet another news organization has come to, CBS....

Pope Francis Admits That He is a PAWN Used by the Elite

Pope Francis is a pawn, this is common knowledge; except now, the pope admits that he is a pawn. In an ongoing argument with...

Mind Control in Action? Kalamazoo Killer Claims Uber App Made Him Do it! The man charged with killing six people in Kalamazoo claims that it was not by his own intentions that he killed at random. Instead,...

Pentagon Testing Micro Drones Comparable to Bible Prophecy of the Locusts Here’s a scary story: the government’s Strategic Capabilities Office is reportedly testing drones that are capable of swarming together after launching out of a...

Alarming Future: Uploading Yourself to a Robot, Dmitry Itskov

RELATED: Pandoras Box Has Just Been OPENED, This New Technology Will End Mankind Money can buy you immortality, according to the Russian internet multi-millionaire who...

Breaking: More False Flags Coming! Marines Expand Psychological Warfare Operations

The PSYOP continues. Psychological Warfare is the worst kind of warfare, not only does it affect the country, it affects the human body and...

Hellfire missiles headed for Portland were for ‘training’

The Associated Press reported Monday that two Hellfire missiles destined for Portland were unarmed and for training purproses. On Sunday, March 13, the AP reported...

Mysterious “Giant” Figure Walking on top of the clouds Spotted? (Video)

Passenger Nick O'Donoghue was on board an EasyJet flight flying back from Austria to Cork when his fellow passengers began to point to a...

Ivory Coast hotel shooting: Al-Qaeda claim responsibility for attack which left at least 16...

Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack that left 16 people dead at a popular beach in Ivory Coast today. Fourteen civilians and two...

Chemtrails Exposed; ABC News States Geoengineering is a Reality, Ongoing for Many Years

The fight against chemtrails is real. California has been battling one of the most severe droughts in the state's history, but with El Niño bringing...

U.S. says North Korean submarine missing

The North Korean regime lost contact with one of its submarines earlier this week, three U.S. officials familiar with the latest information told CNN....

Surprise! NSA Data Will Soon Routinely be Used for Domestic Policing LEGALLY

Government overreach just reached a lot further; the NSA is now set to share data with local police. The Obama administration is on the...

Red Alert: Police are Confiscating Guns from “Conspiracy Theorists” Blaming Mental Illness

It all starts when they come for the guns. A futuristic date is set when the police state turns into martial law, and the...

The Robots Sent Into Fukushima Have “Died”   (Reuters) - The robots sent in to find highly radioactive fuel at Fukushima's nuclear reactors have “died”: a subterranean "ice wall" around the crippled plant...

Mysterious ‘Area 6’ Landing Strip in Nevada Desert Baffles Experts A mysterious, mile-long landing strip in the remote Nevada desert could be the home base for testing sensors on a top-secret fleet of drones,...

Martial Law of the Mind: Predictive Technologies to Bring in Wicked Times

Predictive technologies are the future police force. The biotech industry is ushering in a time when thoughts are actually crimes, freedom does not exist,...

Yet Another Nuclear Leak, Radioactive Tritium Tracer Discovered

According to recent studies, Tritium is leaking into Biscayne Bay. Levels are up to 215 times higher than in normal ocean water. Tritium is...

UPDATED: New Video Evidence Shows What Really Happened at the LaVoy Finicum shooting

In a video shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference today, the aerial FBI video of the LaVoy Finicum shooting has been...

Pope Francis Publicly Equates Himself with God

One word...unbelievable. On December 27th, 2015 Pope Francis equated himself with Jesus Christ. In fact he didn’t just equate himself, he equated everyone with...

Artificial Intelligence is taking over, and it brings the end of the world as...

Like your job? Not so fast, Artificial Intelligence is invading like the plague. Recently, an emotionally intelligent robot came to life ready to fulfill...

North Korea threatens US & S. Korea with ‘pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice’ over...

Recently, North Korea threatened to conduct a “pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice” on the American homeland. North Korea demands that the U.S. imperialists, and...

Our Children are targets: The Governments of the World are indoctrinating them

The children of the world are under direct assault every single day of their lives, from the genetically modified foods to the peer pressure,...