The V1SUT Vantage joins Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment (ROPE) by podcast on the third Wednesday of each month. ROPE Report Live is broadcast live to ROPE’s Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts, from 9am to 10am, Wednesdays and Fridays (recorded podcasts uploaded to Rumble).
Discussion Topic for Wednesday, May 15th:
Oklahoma Public Ed Performance: Deceptive Data Hides Abject Failure
If someone told you your child’s school district had a 95.7% Academic Achievement rating, how would you feel? If you then learned that only 46.6% of students at the same district scored as proficient or better on state testing, would that change your view of the district’s performance?
While tax dollars continue to flow to multiple Oklahoma school sites at which 0% of students are proficient within the core areas of English, math and science, parents and even local school board members across the state are being misled by massaged measures that consistently soften the most damaging data concerning student outcomes. It’s a statistical shell game that gambles with the futures of Oklahoma’s children.
Join us as we take the big red bow off of pubic education data and learn just how your child’s school is actually performing.
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