By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 12, 2016  Updated: September 4, 2016 at 12:45 am EST

Signs of the end times are appearing all over the Earth; but the wonders are seen in the heavens. The clouds showcase that portals are being opened and the effects that geoengineering has on the sky. However, there is even more showcased in these clouds.

Rare cloud formations known as phenomena are happening almost on a weekly basis. Some of these cloud formations have not been seen in nearly sixty years; yet they show up in two places at once nowadays. The flooding, the storms, the wild weather, all of this is a sign of things to come because mankind will not listen to the warnings.

Acts 2:19

– 19 And I will show wonders in heaven above, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and the vapors of smoke

The environment around us is changing and causing crazy signs in the skies. Extraordinary weather events are happening all around the world, raising questions as to what is taking place. While mainstream media is blaming global warming for these rare occurrences, we see them as a change in the Earth caused by chaotic machines like the LHC.

On top of the wild skies we have seen recently, one photograph taken near CERN caused major controversy, to check it out see the video below. On June 24th, 2016, a strange portal like cloud appeared above Geneva, Switzerland, where CERN is located.

The meaning of certain clouds paint a picture of what is to come. More signs in the heavens have included blood, the whale, a stairway, portals, ufos, and rainbows (to see these click the video below).

We can expect more instances like this according to Acts 2:19, “And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath.” Keep your eyes open for more signs in the sky and the Earth, things are getting more wild every day.


Works Cited

Hira Bashir. “Pilot Captures Stunning Thunderstorm From 37,000 Feet Above Pacific Ocean .” I4U News. . (): . .

Ernest Kao. “10,000 flashes of lightning: Hong Kong marvels at the might of an epic summer storm.” South China Morning Post. . (): . .

Samantha Mathewson. “Shining Silver-Blue Clouds Captured in Night Sky Photo.” Space. . (): . .

Mclelland. “Waves in the sky! Extraordinary photographs .” Daily Mail. . (): . .

“Colorado Springs Gazette.” Gazette. . (): . .

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8 years ago

We had Undulatus Asperatus clouds over the south of England last week. A first for me.

The Reality Checker
The Reality Checker
8 years ago

The cloud formation on June 21st over the Pacific Ocean is an example of a classic “anvil head” thunderstorm cloud formation. The term “anvil head” cloud is derived from the way those formations tend to flatten out at the top and extend in two directions from the core of the clouds below. You see cloud formations like this all the time in the USA in the midwest and southern states where summer thunderstorms are common. Also, the overall cloud height of the June 21st formation of 37,000 feet is not unusual. In fact, cloud tops in the 40,000 and 50,000 feet range are relatively common in the USA during severe weather outbreaks.

Lastly, in going through the images posted in this piece I can attribute at least half of what is being shown to regular, yet somewhat rare, cloud formations – in other words there is nothing mysterious about what is being shown in a lot of cases. While I do believe that there have been some really unusual and unexplainable weather phenomena around the world of late, not everything that is occurring falls into that category. People that post articles like this are doing a disservice to the general public (that knows little or nothing about natural weather phenomena) when claims of the “sky is falling” seems to be the fallback position rather than doing some research and trying to explain what is really going on.

Blast Hardcheese
Blast Hardcheese
8 years ago

Logically, insanity is a condition of the mind. Therefore, a human can be insane or crazy. An animal can be rabid. But storms do not have a mind, therefore they can not be insane. Same with a cloud, it can not be crazy. Otherwise, such a storm or cloud could be “treated” by dropping anti-psychotic medication over it until it calms down or commits suicide.

Susan Brown
Susan Brown
8 years ago

Well, they ARE raining down psychotropic medications from the clouds/skies in their chemtrails! … to “treat” humans!