Gabrielle Bouchard
QUEBEC, December 7, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Quebec’s largest feminist organization has elected a “transgender” biological male as its president.
The Federation des Femmes du Quebec, which represents some 300 feminist groups and about 700 individual members, announced Monday that Gabrielle Bouchard is its new leader.
The 49-year-old Bouchard is a “trans advocate and public educator” with Concordia University’s Center for Gender Advocacy. His Twitter handle is “Gabbi_unicorn.”
According to English-language reports, Bouchard faced backlash from Quebec press and online commentators on the grounds that a man can’t understand a woman’s experience, but that he dismissed the critics.
“They are saying we’ll tolerate trans women as long as they are not in a position of power,” Bouchard told Canadian Press. “We’ll tolerate lesbians in the movement as long as they stand 10 feet away.”
The criticism “presumes all women live the same experience — which is not true,” he added.
“All the barriers I face are actually based in sexism. They also happen to be based in transphobia. I am living at the intersection of trans identity and being a woman, and it creates a marginalization that some women don’t face.”
But Campagne-Quebec Vie (Campaign
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