By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 30, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:24 am EST

In the name of fighting diseases, China is justifying eugenics and is leading the way on gene selection rather than “people selection.” During the 20th century, communism killed one-hundred million people, all based in large part on two principles Classicide and Ethnic cleansing.

Alarmingly experts seem to have forgotten a key goal of communism, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the creation of a ‘new human.’ In the 20th century, beginning in the United Kingdom and sprawling across the globe was an ideology based on improving the genetic quality of a group of individuals, also called eugenics. The twisted philosophy enacted both positive and negative practices such as advocating for higher rates of sexual reproduction among people with desired traits and the sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits. In the United States this practice, through Margaret Higgins Sanger, led to the formation of Planned Parenthood and Birth Control.

However, after Hitler praised and incorporated eugenic ideas in Mein Kampf in 1925, the decline of eugenics across the globe began in the 1930’s, leading to “the prohibition of eugenic practices, in particular, those aiming at selection of persons.”

But now, a new form of Eugenics is being made available through ‘gene selection.’ China, through technology, is leading the charge on people selection through preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The justification used by China’s leaders for such practices is the elimination of “certain diseases.”

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

-Refers to the genetic profiling of embryos prior to implantation (as a form of embryo profiling), and sometimes even of oocytes prior to fertilization. PGD is considered in a similar fashion to prenatal diagnosis. When used to screen for a specific genetic disease, its main advantage is that it avoids selective pregnancy termination as the method makes it highly likely that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration. PGD thus is an adjunct to assisted reproductive technology, and requires in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain oocytes or embryos for evaluation.

One key section published in the nature report mentioned how “Such systematic efforts raise thorny questions for bioethicists. Some worry that pushes to eliminate disabilities devalue the lives of those who already have them. The cost and accessibility of the procedure raises concerns about genetic traits further widening the divide between rich and poor people.”

But it’s not just in China, the creation of a technology called CRISPR-CAS9 has opened the door to designer babies, with ‘ethics rules’ being the only barrier, the technology could become available to anyone as soon as those restrictions are passed.

However, at an alarming rate, the world is forgetting history. Under Nazi Germany, ethnic cleansing led to millions of deaths and crimes against humanity, under the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China classicide led to millions and millions of deaths. Out of these three communist campaigns, one remains in the world today and one happens to be one of the most powerful nations on Earth, communist China.

Communist China, under Mao Zedong, committed some of the worst crimes in the world against humanity. In Nazi Germany Hitler conducted experiments on people, in the USSR such experiments also took place, their goal; create a ‘new human.’

What sort of ‘new human’ were these communist countries attempting to create?

“The idea of eliminating undesirable traits from human temperament to create a “new man” has been part of moral and political thinking worldwide for millennia. During the Enlightenment, European philosophers sought to construct an ideological framework for reshaping human nature. But it was only among the communist regimes of the twentieth century that such ideas were actually put into practice on a nationwide scale. In this book Yinghong Cheng examines three culturally diverse sociopolitical experiments—the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin, China under Mao, and Cuba under Castro—in an attempt to better understand the origins and development of the “new man.” The book’s fundamental concerns are how these communist revolutions strove to create a new, morally and psychologically superior, human being and how this task paralleled efforts to create a superior society.”

Creating the New Man: From Enlightenment Ideals to Socialist Realities

Under the guise of eliminating diseases, scientists are at it again, and this time – they have the backing of the international community. Scientists across the board are seeking to bring about technology like CRISPR for public use. However, the technology is one thing, but its the ideological monster of communism that makes the use of such so dangerous.

With the Communist Chinese Party still in power, any moves to return to their old ways should be monitored carefully, but according to Joshua Eisenman, the assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs and senior fellow for China studies at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC., China is alarmingly emboldening their national socialist government.

And in Chinese, the word for National Socialism is guójiā shèhuì zhǔyì, but the word for statism is guójiā zhǔyì, and so people have been using guójiā zhǔyì, statism, saying National Socialism makes them bristle for a variety of reasons. You think of the Anti-Japanese War and a variety of different historical instances. In fact, they had a few years ago a parade, the anti-fascist parade with goose-stepping soldiers, which was ironic.

But what’s going on now is that people are not pushing back like they used to. They used to say, “Josh, you’re taking it too far with that.” But now people are saying, “Actually, you know what? That’s a pretty good description.” They’re not saying it’s bad—and part of what I’m doing here, and I want to be clear about it, is that I’m not being judgmental. I’m not saying National Socialism is inherently bad, although I personally am a liberal, so I don’t like it.

But some people, including people like Mussolini, argued—sometimes convincingly—that fascism was better than liberal democracy, that it was superior, that it could achieve things that liberal democracy simply couldn’t because liberal democracy would be mired in debate all the time, whereas the fascists could get things done. And the Chinese government most definitely gets things done. So there are many people out there who might not want to say China is National Socialist, but they are willing to say the Chinese system is better and gets things done.

That is not the point I’m making, but I want to say here that that is simply because I hold liberal values. But if somebody does not hold liberal values—and there are millions and billions of people who do not—then they might not see the fact that China is a National Socialist country in a bad way. In fact, they might say it’s a good thing.

But I want to say this without overlaying my liberal-value bias on top of this and say it more as an observer looking at the color of a desk or something and say, “This is what I see that it is.”

So most people describe the U.S.-China relationship, in China especially, and in the United States as well, in terms of nation-states, the United States versus China, and then they talk about things like the Thucydides’s Trap and international relations theory. [Editor’s note: For more on this, check out Stewart’s recent interview with Graham Allison, who wrote a book on this theory in regard to the U.S. and China.] But I think that actually miscategorizes the nature of the relationship. What we have—and what we’ve had for years—has been a marriage of elites in Beijing and to some degree Shanghai, I suppose, with elites in New York and in Washington. One professor, when I was there at a top university, told me that this is a marriage, particularly with Wall Street.

So the idea is that the elites come together and essentially exploit the working people of China and steal the jobs of the working people of the United States. And then it is basically balled up and wrapped up as a nationalist conflict. So what is essentially a classist issue, a Marxist issue, a struggle between the different strata of society—the elites versus the rest of society—is actually intentionally disguised as a national struggle between two nation-states.  – Carnegie Council

Communism, the political death cult, never died, it changed forms and is gearing up for the next ‘cultural revolution’ across the globe, through genetic research.

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7 years ago

The mark of the Beast is soon coming plz turn to god for the new world order is here and tell the people that this damn chip is coming soon plz people dont fool around with this microchip DONT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST.. Die for Jesus dont spend another day on this earth when heaven is your reward.. Tell the people wash your hands from their blood plz people repent of your sins come to jesus god be blessed.. i hope to see you in heaven