By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 31, 2016  Updated: November 21, 2016 at 12:12 pm EST

Demonic possession is not new, but rather old, and it is a horrifying sight but a very real phenomenon. The latest, “caught on camera,” possession took place in a supermarket; and as the horror unfolded, the actual tormentor could be seen on camera.

What used to be a rare occurrence has become more common in recent years because the World thinks it can turn it’s back on God, but in reality, the World is very wrong.

READ MORE: End Times: Eighty Children Affected By ‘Demonic Possession’ in Peru, Experts Clueless

Individuals near and far are increasingly becoming more and more demonically influenced, and satisfying their flesh rather than obeying God. When this happens, as prophesied in scripture, diverse “horrors” will plague the world.

Understand the war humanity is against right now, and that is spiritual warfare. Time to Wake up!

Surveillance cameras in a supermarket have captured the moment a woman drops to her knees and starts screaming amid claims she was possessed by a demon.

In the CCTV footage, a middle-aged woman, dressed in dark clothes, walks into shot carrying items in an aisle offering blankets, duvets and pillows.

As she reaches the middle of the aisle, a package begins rocking on one of the shelves behind her and eventually falls to the floor.

She turns around, notices the packet on the floor and puts it back on the shelf.

But just as she does so, she suddenly drops her shopping.

The woman then starts moaning and turns around while shaking inexplicably.

A younger woman in the aisle then approaches nervously.

However, as she reaches out a hand, the older woman throws her head back and begins screaming, terrifying the younger shopper.

A man approaches and places a hand on her shoulder, but the woman lets out a blood-curdling scream, throwing the other shoppers back.

He then grabs her by both arms, calls for help from a shop worker and another shopper and appears to hold her down.

Next, he places his hands on her head – one one either side of her temple – and appears to perform some sort of ritual or healing method.

Works Cited

Keyan Milanian. “ 'Possessed' woman drops to knees and lets out blood-curdling scream as supermarket shoppers calm her .” The Mirror. . (2016): . .

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8 years ago

It looks to me if the demons can not handle our body very well. They are spirit beings like we humans are basically. God is spirit and we are made in his image, our flesh is just a cave for our spirirt; see for example Romans 8:16. But the difference between the demons and us is, that God made our spirit suit to our fleshly body.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard

I wouldn’t say they can’t or can handle our bodies very well, but more as the dual nature of sin and spirits fighting for control of the body. What we are witnessing is 2 spirits fighting for control of possession of the body.

The human spirit which the the body rightly belongs to and the demon spirit which it does not belong to. I think if there was no human spirit the demon spirit could take control of the body and twist it to suit its desires.

The very fact that the woman started screaming that there is a demon in me, means she spiritually knows what is happening to her and she is trying with all her might to not only expel the demon but stay in control as well.

Think like lead and magnets, in a cup of water. the lead is sin and the magnet is the demon. The sin/lead is ingrained into the cup of water and won’t let go, so the force exerted is causing the magnet to be pulled into the water. The magnet is not naturally part of the water/spirit so the water is trying to expel the magnet while at the same time keep the lead/sin in because its so ingrained in there.

Only Jesus Christ can naturally purify us of this lead/sin and remove it in such a way that there are no ill effects and repercussions, i.e whether taking the place of the sin with his holiness or just healing the wound in which the sin was growing.

8 years ago
Reply to  Casey

Thou art right. Thanks for clearing that up. 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard

No problem brother, we need to keep up the good fight and if you want to know what their agenda is.

Check out this guy named theJonathanKleck on youtube, hes got some pretty crazy stuff that drives it home how far these demons have been pushing into our lives and what they plan to do to us.

Some of his stuff is x-rated because that’s how twisted these demons are. It’s pretty crazy how far the rabbit hole goes but If you trust in Christ Jesus he would lead you out the other side.

His youtube channel
and I recommend this one from him its called a kingdom divided and it tells you what they did to us and what they continue planning to do to us.


8 years ago
Reply to  Casey

Well, I watched »Kindom Divided« and some other videos from Jonathan Kleck and must say that some of his stuff may be good to know, but he is definitely teaching from a false bible. For example, in »Kingdom Divided« he says that rotating pictures 180° is the key to the kingdom. Firstly he mentions not what kingdom he is speaking of (the devil’s or God’s), and secondly is the holy Spirit the key and Jesus Christ, the son of God, the door to the kingdom of God (Ephesians 1:13; John 10:9). A clear warning about him gives this video: