By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 13, 2018  Updated: September 13, 2018 at 7:40 am EST

Jim Carrey the actor from ‘Dumb and Dumber’ on Friday, on Bill Maher’s show, ‘Real Time,’ said that Democrats need to say yes to Socialism, and stop apologizing for it.

The remarks by Carrey came after Bill Maher, the TV show host, pointed out that Republicans and Conservatives criticize Socialism by using real-world examples such as Venezuela.

Socialism has been so successful that in Venezuela a dozen eggs cost roughly $150.00 US dollars right now. However, Maher and Carrey seem to disagree with real-world examples of Socialism and claim that they have to stop the slandering of the word.

The Progressive movement amidst the Democratic Party has brought the discussion of Socialism to the mainstream political sphere. The talk of such has divided Democrats across the board.

Mainstreaming Socialism, or Democratic Socialism as it is so often called could cause the majority of Democrats to centralize and or swing to the Republican side of the political spectrum.

However, many actors, professors, and well known public figures are continually leaning further and further left causing their supporters and pupils to do the same. Given the current trend of US politics, if it’s not this year or next, in a short time, Americans could soon be once more fighting off another wave of socialism.

Historically, Socialist regimes such as the Soviet Union, international socialism, and Nazi Germany, national socialism, failed miserably and took hundreds of millions of lives with them. However, many who support socialism claim that the leftist economic and governmental political structure was not “properly installed.”

Currently, the most significant practical government that is utilizing socialism and communism is China. While China is doing wildly successful economically, one glance at the civil rights nightmare that is currently ongoing in the home of the dragon and it undermines any advances that the economy has made.

The HBO show host, Bill Maher, stated that the strong push further left is merely a reaction to the Silent Majority’s election of Donald Trump.

“Medicare for all, ending student debt, a different approach to the war on terror, ending mass incarceration—it seems like if there is maybe a shining spot in this Trump tragedy, it’s that it’s made the Democrats sort of rediscover who they are,” Maher said.

While still on the fringes of the political spectrum, socialism is, in fact, gaining momentum. Progressive and socialist candidates made advances in Florida and Massachusetts, with Boston city councilor Ayanna Pressley unseating 10- term U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano in a Democratic primary last week.

In addition, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an open ‘Democratic Socialist’ who became the face of the changing party following her shock win against one of the top Democratic lawmakers, Joe Crowley, in New York.

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6 years ago

Remember what Margaret Thatcher once said “Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people’s money”

5 years ago
Reply to  Nick

Perpetual war eats half the national budget.

6 years ago

If he likes socialism so well why doesen’t he go back to Canada?

Paul Olson
Paul Olson
6 years ago

Socialism – by any name – is the consolidation of authority by those few powerful people running the Government. It is the exact opposite of the concept of America’s Constitutional Republic being run “by the people, of the people and for the people.” In a socialist society, the only rights people have are those granted by the state. You can throw away the Bill of Rights and all of the “rights” that people declare they possess.

Once a Socialistic State is established, all Constitutional Rights disappear.

It seems that our schools have done a very poor job of teaching the exceptionalism of America. Barack Obama didn’t even understand the term when was asked about it. If a President can’t explain American exceptionalism, how can a high school and/or student be expected to know what it means. They don’t know what it means because their teachers don’t know what it means.

The real problem is that when you don’t understand that by adopting Socialism, you fail to understand that means you are giving up all of your Constitutional rights, Sadly, you don;t understand how that is going to impact you until you have already given your rights away – and then it is too late to ask for a redo. You then stand as good a chance to be amongst the tens of millions of people who have already been killed by the Socialist regimes of the world – and you are powerless to stop it.

It’s time to take the chocolate candy topping off Socialism and reveal its ugly reality. Under Socialism, you lose your rights and as often as not, get killed trying to reassert the freedoms you have given up. Socialism isn’t just another “party” in the political spectrum. Its a choice of lifestyle that virtually everyone regrets once it is in place. So, the best way to deal with Socialism is to call it what it is and make certain it never gains a foothold in our society.

5 years ago
Reply to  Paul Olson

Every other developed country has national health care and some have free higher education even our students are accepted there for the free education. I see this as expanding rights certainly not limiting them,