By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 19, 2018  Updated: September 19, 2018 at 7:37 am EST

The Church of England’s First Female Bishop Rev Rachel Treweel stated in conversation with the Sunday Telegraph that Christians must stop referring to God as a ‘He.’

Furthermore, the Bishop is warning against the constant usage of such because it will affect the children and form their opinions that God is a ‘He’;

“I don’t want young girls or young boys to hear us constantly refer to God as he,” the Bishop of Gloucester told the Sunday Telegraph.

The Bishop’s concern is centered around subliminal meaning and indirect communication.

“Whether it’s that you go to a website and you see pictures of all-white people, or whether you go to a website and see the use of ‘he’ when we could use God, all of those things are giving subconscious messages to people.

“I am very hot about saying we can always look at what we are

However, the Bishop is failing to recognize that the Bible mainly refers to God as a ‘He.’ Furthermore, other female church leaders are supporting the Bishop’s rhetoric.

Previously in the United States, and unrelated to the Church of England, the Methodist Church of Minnesota removed ‘Father’ from the historic Apostles Creed in an attempt to refrain from referring to God the Father as a ‘He.’

At the annual Minnesota Conference of the United Methodist Church, the historic Apostles’ Creed was edited to remove the word ‘Father,’ to make it more compliant with culture.

The creed goes back to the days of the Early Church and is an affirmation of the Christian Faith. The reading is still widely used in today’s churches and sometimes is used during parts of worship.

At the Minnesota Conference, which was held from May 30–June 1, liturgical folders reportedly included a copy of the creed that removed gender-specific language for God, changing “God the Father Almighty” to “God the Creator Almighty” and “Jesus Christ His Only Son” to “Jesus Christ God’s Only Son.”

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6 years ago

If God created people as male and female, that means that a male and female partnership reflects God’s partnership and fellowship as three persons.
God doesn’t have a penis, otherwise God is only half, and there is a corresponding female.
Why would anyone think that God is ‘male’ physically ?
God is a combination of male and female traits doesn’t mean we can’t call God ‘He’ because… ‘ It’ sounds insulting.
Let’s not be hung up on what distracts from scriptural support for PEOPLE male and female ,and marriage is between man and woman (not four women) and pedophilia is WRONG etc. stick to sound doctrine.

6 years ago

Father, Son, HolySpirt, end of story .

The light
The light
6 years ago
Reply to  Bob

Amen to that Bob…there should be no question that he is our Father, the Almighty one, the son Jesus Christ …..I wouldn’t mess with the word of God or add or take away from his word.

6 years ago


God is an “It”. Not a “He” or a “She”.

There is no neural gender in Hebrew and so it defaulted to the masculine as in other languages that do not have a neuter gender.

Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
6 years ago
Reply to  krp

God must be wrong and God must have made a mistake. Those that want to change God’s acts I would hate to be them when they die and appear in Heaven standing before God as He reads your life history. And God turns to them and says” you thought I was wrong and made mistakes is that right? What are you going to say then?

6 years ago

This is not Christian church teaching . This has a different agenda …. a sly sinister one . Keep your eyes open for the wolf in sheeps clothing . They are everywhere there’s more than one .

6 years ago

I Am a Calvinist, so since I do not have anything nice to say, I must remain silent.
be careful whom you follow