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Region: Published: February 14, 2018  Updated: February 14, 2018 at 9:11 pm EST

Where is the line between faith and delusion? The definition of exactly what is considered a mental illness is based on subjective criteria. Various Psychologists claim that religious behavior is a symptom of mental illness.

For instance, in 2006, biologist Richard Dawkins published his book The God Delusion, in which he characterizes belief in God as delusional. Dawkins cites the definition of a delusion as “a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence, especially as a symptom of a psychiatric disorder.”

Ms. Behar from “The View”, who has the mainstream platform to spread this lie far and wide, agrees.

The ladies of the talk show “The View” debated this week whether or not the Vice President has a mental illness after former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault-Newman opined on his Christian faith. Omarosa claimed that “Jesus tells Mr. Pence to say things.”

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus,” Ms. Behar, an agnostic, said during Tuesday’s show. “It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness if I’m not correct. That’s hearing voices.”

The comedian shifted her position after co-host Meghan McCain said Jesus speaks to her “every morning.”

In defense, Mr. Pence stated, “It is just simply wrong for ABC to have a television program that expresses that kind of religious intolerance.”

He also said that her dig at him showed just how “out of touch” she is with the rest of America and that her comments reflect the opinion of those in the deluded mainstream media.
As a Christian, hearing the voice of Jesus is a powerful testimony of the faith. John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

Reader, my question for you:
Was there ever a time where someone used the same psychological tactics that Ms. Behar used on Pence on you? If so, what was your response?

Works Cited

Nathaniel P. Morris . “How Do You Distinguish between Religious Fervor and Mental Illness?” Scientific American. . (2016): . .

Morgan Gstalter. “Pence accuses 'The View' of 'religious intolerance' after Behar compares his faith to mental illness.” The Hill. . (2018): . .

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6 years ago

“Let he who has ears listen”

6 years ago

Our Lord Jesus speaks to everyone, it’s just the fact that not to many people have faith so they don’t hear!!! The Lord has many ways in order to speak to us, I myself heard him twice in my life, after I lost my Brother in 96 I didn’t look to GOD I looked to food, I sat all Day looking at TV, fed and care for my kids and then I would sit and eat myself to oblivion, and smoke alot of cigarettes. Well, I had a blood clot that went to my lung from my leg, and was told by GOD ” Go to the Hospital, I’m saving you” and GOD saved me. THIS IS WHEN I WAS BAPTIZED AND BECAME A CHRISTIAN. FROM THAT POINT ON I HAVE ALWAYS HAD TREMENDOUS FAITH IN THE OUR LORD JESUS. Another time was when my Daughter came back from culinary school, and had a couple of bad Dates that she was so down about. I prayed to GOD and asked hIm to send A GOOD boy to my Daughter, and one morning My GOD said to me there’s a boy I’m sending to my child I sent to you that we raised. DO NOT Judge Him, Do Not get mad. He comes from Creekview. Creekview is the worst neighborhood in my town. I replied to GOD, “nooo not from there Lord Jesus, please!!! HE did not answer me, but sure enough my Daughter brought this young man home that lived in Creekview, and she told me that she would soon marry him!! I can’t say I was happy, it took time for me to get use to him, they married and have two kids, and he turned out to be a very good man. I LOOKED UP AND SAID TO THE LORD, THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS BOY, AND FORGIVE ME FOR MY WARINESS, I LOVE HIM LIKE A SON, THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!!. Other times were not that he was talking to me, but was teaching me how to live when bad things happen. He showed me how to live life, and got me through, if GOD speaks to you it is a BLESSING, accept it and listen

6 years ago

Behar is arrogant beyond sanity.

6 years ago

Trump is the BEST president we have ever had Obama is the WORSE!!

6 years ago

Pathetic women on the VIEW. All Satanists!