As humans become increasingly amoral, one thing is stringently apparent, the rise of secularism and the decline of morality.

For the first time in the Pew research centers forty year history, more Americans believe the Bible to be a book of fables rather than believing the Bible is the literal Word of God, and the result is showing up in society.

Perhaps a reason for this is the regular brainwashing of students that God doesn’t exist; perhaps it’s because scientists and eugenicists continually push the agenda of evolution, or perhaps it’s what is plastered all over TV.

What is taking place in the West is the indoctrination of sin and the subversion of Biblical Truth. Morality is not something found in every creature on Earth rather it is special to humans, but with scientists continually equating a human life to that of an animal life, the lines are being crossed.

Evolutionary theory has a severe problem, morality. More than flesh and bones, how did humans ‘learn’ our morality, as is evident in nature there are no morals to a creature. Yet, we humans care for one another, yet we humans have the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong. But where did it come from?

According to secular studies morality has three proponent theories; Consequentialism, Freethinking, and Secular Humanism.

  • Consequentialism – “Consequentialists,” as described by Peter Singer, “start not with moral rules, but with goals. They assess actions by the extent to which they further those goals.”
  • Freethinking – Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds that opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, and should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or other dogmas.
  • Secular Humanism – Secular humanism focuses on the way human beings can lead happy and functional lives. It posits that human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or God, it neither assumes humans to be inherently evil or innately good, nor presents humans as “above nature” or superior to it.

None of the above frameworks, answer the questions, what is the difference between a human and an animal, or right and wrong. For example, with Consequentialism an individual without morals, would be hell-bent on accomplishing their ‘goal’ and would do anything and everything to obtain said goal, and that could include murder, depending on the goal.

In regards to free thinking, in order for one to use logic, one must already have a set of principles and the principles surely did not come from science and or reason.

Thirdly, secular humanistic morality is non-existent because of one simple thing, there are no rules except happiness. Well in some cases, individuals are happy that others are ‘not around anymore.’

Again, however, the question remains, just where did morality come from? According to the Christian, it came from God, as God created the Earth, He created man and woman, and every creature on this planet. Later on, God designated the Law to Moses. The Law, at that time, set apart every culture and society from the Israelites in the ancient world.

By removing what is set in stone, the moral law, which would be indirectly obeyed for generations to come, there is but one rule of law to a society, anything goes, which is where our culture and society are heading today.

Without God, there are no morals, because God designates them into the heart and in the mind, without God humanity becomes a breeding ground of lawlessness and savagery.

In America today, as the tide of secularism and culture chase away the Bible, the result is evident, humans are increasingly being equated to animals. The majority of the scientific community understand not the result of their actions, nor do they comprehend the agenda they are pushing. Such is evident with recent discoveries in the field of genetic engineering.

If humans are simply animals; we can be tested on like rats, we can be altered like crops, we can be caged like zoo animals, and we can be culled like a diseased herd of cows. The agenda at play combines the three secular moral frameworks into one, and each is waging war on the specialness of God’s creation, the human.

The ideological indoctrination of sin, separates us from God, the subversion of Biblical Truth alienates us from the reality of God’s existence, and the secularization of humanity destroys the morality that God gave us. A society built on the aforementioned is one that will resemble that of Karl Marx’s political ideology.

America has turned the page on Scripture and opened its doors to sin and death, as homosexuality and transgenderism run rampant in our schools, businesses, and churches people are forsaking the everlasting Word of God for deceitful pleasures because of what is shown on TV and pounded into the minds of the youth in schools. When lawlessness is rampant, the Christian is hunted.

As America turns its back on God, one thing is stringently apparent; lawlessness is increased. What Paul Washer mentioned is exactly what is beginning to take place in America today, these are the birth pangs of the dangers that lie ahead for Christians should America continue down this path. Over 2000 years ago, the Bible predicted these days of lawlessness and where sin is running rampant, yet Christians are not sticking to the Word of God and are failing to comprehend the attack on faith at large.

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So I Am
So I Am
7 years ago

Christians need not worry about the atheist that has no problem existing with the Christians, as they are open to the Christians and are highly moral people. They need to worry about leftest liberals, Democrats and the Muslims.

So I Am
So I Am
7 years ago

And strangely enough crime, murders, divorce are way down. Than from 20 years ago, when more people identified as religious.

Doug Bancroft
Doug Bancroft
7 years ago

This article is ridiculous. There is mounting evidence that we get our morals from evolutionary processes. The Bible has been shown to be flawed in so many ways, starting primarily with German scholarship in the 19th century. Since then, the Bible is now easily discarded as an Iron-Age book of fables–intermixed with God-inspired genocide.

What planet do you people live on that you cling to things like water turns to wine; putrefying bodies (Lazarus) come back to life? It’s patently ridiculous, and it’s time to have that really uncomfortable admission that’s been bugging you for a long time–that you’ve been duped.

Choose to be moral and ethical. You can do it! Treat other people the way you want to be treated, and you can have a peaceful existence and satisfaction in life. Don’t worry about a nonexistent angry God and do good things for fear of punishment or the laughable “love of the Savior”.

Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Bancroft

If we get our morals from the evolutionary process then should we not see like behavior from the animal world? We do not see animals acting in the same moral ways that we act. Also, could you show how the Bible is flawed?
As far as miracles go, why shouldn’t we believe in them? Christ performed miracles in order for people to come to believe in Him. Again, why would people give up everything to follow a phony if the miracle accounts are not true?

Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
7 years ago

Although I’m a Catholic Christian I believe everything that this man is saying. This is a time to act. Although Catholic and non-Catholic Christians have our doctrinal differences we stand united in the atheist/secular persecution of us Christians. Atheists/Communists/secularists do not differentiate between whether of not we are Catholic or not. If we profess Jesus Christ then we are fair game.
May God help us.
Praised be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.

Doug Bancroft
Doug Bancroft
7 years ago

Jesus probably existed. As a human being, he was not born of a virgin. Mary had sex with a man and got pregnant–if that part of the fable is even true. Dead people don’t come back to life. You live here on Earth, and you know this doesn’t happen. Why suspend everything you know for the things you hope for and cannot see?

Join reality and stop reading the silly Bible. Definitely stop supporting the arguably most corrupt organization in the world–the pedophile-ridden Catholic Church.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nate Brown


I agree with your response, just not the comment that the Catholic Church is riddled with sin.

7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Bancroft

I’m glad that you acknowledge the fact that Our Lord existed but I have to object to what you have said about Him. Let me ask you this, if those things are true, about what you said about Christ, then why would someone give their life for someone who was false and died a miserable death? People would not go to the ends of the world proclaiming the Gospel if those things are false.

Unfortunately there have been priests that are guilty of abuse but it certainly is not on the scale that you are trying to portray.


Rev. R.S. Helms
Rev. R.S. Helms
7 years ago
Reply to  Doug Bancroft

I’ll Pray for you… as I do all professing Atheists.

So I Am
So I Am
7 years ago

We don’t need your prayers. We want to help you see the truth. Just like Jesus was trying to bring the truth to the Jews and the world.

Any god would want his creation to know the truth. No true god would ever be petty nor jeleous, when the truth inconsistent flawed and unclear. If their was a god it would reward its followers for not falling for false doctrin and teachings, that hurt other people, in an after life anyways.

So I Am
So I Am
7 years ago

LOL, you are so funny. You sure are quick to group Atheist with Communist. It couldn’t be farther from the Truth. Perhaps you study some Atheist beliefs and differences before you jump to conclusions. I love the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I am red, white, and blue all the way.

7 years ago
Reply to  So I Am

So you do not believe that Communists were atheists? Maybe you should do some studying of history. Also, I’m not “red, white, and blue all the way” if Christ is pushed to the sidelines. I’m a Christian before I’m an American.