By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 24, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:25 am EST

A recently approved Minnesota Department of Education “toolkit” instructs schools to segregate and isolate students who disagree or are concerned with sharing a restroom or locker room with a transgender student.

Last Wednesday, the Minnesota DOE approved a new toolkit for schools called “Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students.” The toolkit describes how to deal with students who object the new policies.

The following is from the toolkit page 10

-Privacy objections raised by a student in interacting with a transgender or gender nonconforming student may be addressed by segregating the student raising the objection provided that the action of the school officials does not result in stigmatizing the transgender and gender nonconforming student.

-Any student who wishes not to share a restroom with a transgender or gender nonconforming student can be provided a private space such as a single-user restroom.

-Coaches should consider how they can utilize privacy curtains, restrooms and separate changing schedules to provide for privacy for all students.

-At times, any student may have specific needs for privacy and the school make arrangements based on that student’s.

Segregation, in and of itself, is peer pressure upon a student who disagrees with the transgender student. The school system is practically forcing segregation onto students who disagree with the acceptance of a mentally ill child.

In addition, there is nothing in the toolkit that even addresses the probability of a young male student, claiming to be a female based on maligned ideas, entering the girl’s locker room, and harassing the girls. To make matters even worse if a female has a problem with the above scenario, she is “segregated.”

But that’s not all, teachers be warned, if you use the “incorrect pronoun or incorrect name” of a transgender student, you could be violating Federal Law.

The toolkit continues; “In an effort for inclusivity, schools may wish to consider revisiting existing traditions or establishing new traditions,” the kit states. “For example, instead of electing a homecoming king and homecoming queen, some schools have chosen to nominate ‘prom ambassadors,’ ‘homecoming court’ or ‘homecoming royalty.’ At the University of Minnesota, for example, the titles of homecoming king and queen have been replaced with the title ‘Homecoming Royalty’ and students selected as royalty will now be called ‘royals.’”

However, according to John Helmberger, CEO of the Minnesota Family Council, the toolkit will most likely be dismissed because not once did the document address the concerns of the majority of students or the “concerns of gender-conforming students and parents.”

Regardless of the probable dismissal, the toolkit lays bare the transgender agenda, accept it or be segregated from society. At what point did a mental illness begin to define the whole of American culture?

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7 years ago

Heck,what is this? Are these people (who make these bizarre rules) trying to shape a society where a person who Is Not Homosexual,Bisexual,Trans-whatever-its-name-sexual, is the ‘oddball’ the ‘misfit’? I’d not feel happy about any daughter of mine being forced into using a bathroom/loo attended by males.(no matter what they call themselves.) (in fact come to think on it, it’s an equal worry for sons too, in these days of anything goes & where sexual-incontinence is encouraged, & there are males being raped now) Why is the onus on the ‘non-complicated’ to be the ones discriminated against & shamed? They are filling kids heads with all this garbage that they don’t even need to know about. Maybe something goes wrong in the development of some people, that variates away from how we were designed to be by God, i don’t know. Isn’t it enough that we teach our bairns to be respectful of everyone which includes those who may be different in some way than ourselves. If i had a son or daughter who grew up to be gay or lesbian then i’d still love them the same, love is unconditional. But there’s folk -in schools or wherever they have access to our children -who seem to be almost trying to create a society where “straightness” will be the new abnormal & a host of phobias added on, simply for protecting your kids from potential dangerous situations. e.g. a boy merely claiming to be trans so as to gain access to the girls loos etc… A lot of these rules, if you notice, are made by those who often don’t have to practice what they deem law for others.i.e. teachers & school staff probably have their own loos & restrooms. Rulers of Western nations are bringing in our lands potential terrorists/criminals from third world places, while they don’t have to be threatened, living in their secluded secured territories with bodyguards surrounding them.
It’s being said it’s to do with genetics,if this is so, then isn’t it time it was looked into what’s gone wrong with the genes(e.g. could it be an environmental thing,such as something in the water supply or foods we eat,chemicals being inhaled & so forth?)or are kids being influenced/pressured into these ways of thinking? It brings to my mind, imagery of how it might have been in Lots days or Noah’s.In fact we were told Scripturally by Yeshua/Jesus of such times.

7 years ago
Reply to  pennine

What you said about an environmental thing impacting the genes is exactly right. Some years ago, I recall hearing that chemicals in commonly used plastics caused estrogen precursors to develop in male babies and young boys. The plastics were the kinds used to make bottles, teethers, and sippy cups. Those estrogen precursors are most likely still in plastics. If people can, they should use glss baby bottles (they’re popular again) and stainless steel water bottles.

I agree with the poster before me. I am frankly incredulous at the bizarro land we suddenly live in. Americans are so afraid to be ‘judgemental’, we go out of our way to make the majority conform to the desires of a infinitesimal minority. I live in California, and as far as schools go, there is nowhere worse. We have had to homeschool our kids because I will not submit to mandatory vaccination.