Mankind is on the cusp of a transition that we cannot come back from. For many years scientists have sought technology that can actively alter memories and identity.

New World Technology has the ability to change our perception by altering our memory; some of the technologies can even make us forget history, and by doing so can distort morals. But there is a far greater evil, scientists can even plant memories.

Several methods are mentioned in the above video by S. Matthew Liao, who is the current holder of the Arthur Zitrin Chair of Bioethics and is the Director of the Center for Bioethics and Affiliated Professor in the Department of Philosophy at New York University, those methods are as follows;

  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    – is a functional neuroimaging procedure using MRI technology that measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. This technique relies on the fact that cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation are coupled. When an area of the brain is in use, blood flow to that region also increases.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation (+)
    – is a neurosurgical procedure introduced in 1987, involving the implantation of a medical device called a neurostimulator (sometimes referred to as a ‘brain pacemaker’), which sends electrical impulses, through implanted electrodes, to specific targets in the brain (brain nuclei) for the treatment of movement and neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Psychopharmaceuticals, Psychopharmacology
    – is the scientific study of the effects drugs have on mood, sensation, thinking, and behavior. It is distinguished from neuropsychopharmacology, which emphasizes the correlation between drug-induced changes in the functioning of cells in the nervous system and changes in consciousness and behavior.

Other researchers in the fields of science and technology are working on removing the literal belief system, or faith, from an individual by using magnets. 

The speaker, S. Matthew Lao, mentioned several incidences where altering memories are applicable, and in each case, the bioethicist attempted to prove that altering what we remember was somehow acceptable. All while mentioning that DARPA using Deep Brain Stimulation + is seeking to create super soldiers.

Deep Brain Stimulation bears a similar resemblance to the Mark of the Beast. After the implant has taken place a single electric pulse targets regions of the brain and interferes with neural activity in the target area, which can alter decisions, symptoms, behavior, and morals. The implant is formally called an implanted pulse generator or an IPG, which can be calibrated by technicians, doctors, and qualified nurses.

As mentioned in the video, DBS+ can be calibrated to alter how a soldier responds on the battlefield and or after the war. The machine would give the military industrial complex more control over soldiers. Thus, meaning that DARPA or any other agency could remove guilt, and alter judgment in any soldiers mind, in any given circumstance.

The machine further proves that the military industrial complex is seeking to create super soldiers, and is actively working on Mind Control.

The common motive behind creating such technology can be derived from the outcome; once again, while claiming medical purposes, it is evident that the goal of altering memories and changing morals is to demoralize, further propagandize, and control the masses.

According to scripture, specifically in Hebrews 10:16, and Jeremiah 31:33, God states that He will write His laws on our hearts and in our minds.

Hebrews 10:16 GNV
This is the Testament that I will make unto them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my Laws in their heart, and in their minds, I will write them.

Jeremiah 31:33 GNV
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel, After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

The ‘agents’ of the Illuminati are seeking to remove these from mankind, so they can instill their own, all of which are based on the satanic agenda of creating the New World Order. Currently, a subversive campaign of demoralization is being waged against humanity as a whole, which is attempting to slowly strip away the moral laws God has written on our hearts and in our minds. What say you reader?

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7 years ago

Recommend that Dr. Matthew Liao get a DBS+, geared to forgetting his past life, including his family he spoke so proudly about in describing his “self-identity”; and that Dr. Liao be trained ASAP as a soldier and sent to a combat zone – to gain experience about the recommendations that he so glibly describes. Today, the compartmentalization in most fields of expertise, and those who practice within such narrow corridors, are societal creations, not fully humanized, with such limited conceptual and moral mind/heart capacities where others are concerned, that it is stunningly appalling. These “experts,” that speak in public representing their own fields of study, seem ignorant and non-sympathetic – without scope, balance, or empathy, about others outside their own limited expertise, experience, and/or knowledge bases.

7 years ago
Reply to  Irish12

Irish, that’s the difference between the way a Christian believes and behaves compared to a non-Christian. As Christians, we serve Christ which includes serving all others. Non-Christians focus upon self and what’s in it for them only. We will soon be out of here and they can have this cesspool of self-centeredness and a sin-sick society all to themselves…only for a brief 7 years. Blessings!

Skywatcher 57

7 years ago

A very good article, but equally damaging is the use of counterfeit scripture (GNV). There is a new version, KJVER (easy read) which has replaced the old archaic pronouns but left doctrine intact. We should’ve had this Bible 75 years ago; Christianity would be the superpower these days, and not shoved into the closet. I highly recommend it, if it’s easy reading and truthful doctrine you’re looking for. I have copies of the “modern-messes” versions here for comparisons, and they severely contradict the KJV and each other! How many truths can there be? These excellent study Bibles (KJVER) can be bought very cheaply at Go to their “Bibles” link, and search for the “KJVER Bible”. Ironically, these past few days, they’ve had a 90% off all the perversions (to promote sales of untruth) and kept the KJV (ER) out of this sale! Hmmm…a conspiracy to continue to confuse the masses with incorrect doctrine, unblessed teaching, and Holy Spirit-void “scriptures”? You betcha!

Gary Orlic
Gary Orlic
7 years ago

Awesome thank you for this info

Lyn McLaurin
Lyn McLaurin
7 years ago

i say as Christians, believers in Jesus Christ we are SEALED by the Holy Spirit

7 years ago

If we follow the prophecies in the Bible, we see God steps in to prevent complete annihilation of mankind in any way. Two points highlighting this is where God states He will pour out His spirit on all flesh and that in the end, multitudes will be saved into God’s Kingdom (Book of Revelation). For multitudes to be saved into the Kingdom is that evidence men and women will have to be in a state to exercise their minds and free will.

7 years ago
Reply to  coolbreezy

»If we follow the prophecies in the Bible, we see God steps in to prevent complete annihilation of mankind in any way.«

That might be true for (literally) the time being. But we have to face the truth, that in the very end of time all flesh must die out, as the apostle Paul wrote in 1Kor 15:50 (see also Rev 21:1, »…and the sea is no more«). Because there can not be something in eternity that is dieing. Death shall get destroyed at judgementday (Rev 20:14). Then all ghosts of humans shall live forever; either forever in hell (Rev 14:9–11; Matt 25:41) or forever together with Ihuah, Ischua, the holy ghost and the angels (Matt 25:34).