Biological Hazard – North-America – USA

Updated: March 19, 2017 at 11:50 am EST  See Comments

EDIS Number: BH-20140722-44623-USA
Date / time: 22/07/2014 03:39:46 [UTC]
Event: Biological Hazard
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of Minnesota
Location: Cloquet [Fond Du Lac Reservation]
Number of Deads: N/A
Number of Injured: N/A
Number of Infected: 12 person(s)
Number of Missing: N/A
Number of Affected: N/A
Number of Evacuated: N/A
Damage level: N/A


The Minnesota Department of Health has confirmed several cases of a food born illness linked to E-coli on the Fond du Lac reservation. Between six and 12 people have come down with symptoms of E-coli poisoning over the last week. The Department of Health is still investigating the source of the E-coli contamination and does not know the strain of the outbreak. Health officials say the test results are expected to come out later this week. Karen Diver, Chairwoman on the Fond du Lac Tribe, says they are working with the department to conduct surveys to try to find the source. "We know that it wasn't tied to any of our enterprises, but we have had many major public events. We had an elder picnic, we had our veterans pow-wow; and there was a combination of private vendors, caterers as well as band food service involved," said Karen Driver. Symptoms of food poisoning generally include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. People who are experiencing these symptoms should seek appropriate medical attention.

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