British Microchip Implant Takes Hand-Swipe Payments to Next Level, Along with End Times Prophecy Concerns

Updated: May 12, 2022 at 5:57 pm EST  See Comments

Implantable chips in humans are not new, but for the last several years, the push to market them to a dubious population has escalated. 

Now, a company in the United Kingdom has developed a new chip that allows you to pay on the same reader as a credit card. When a person with an implanted chip wants to pay for a product or service using a credit card reader, they simply place their hand with the chip next to the card reader and the payment is made. 

While some companies have implemented similar chip implants for internal company functions, the British-Polish firm called Walletmor says that last year it became the first company to offer them for sale to the general population, according to the BBC

“The implant can be used to pay for a drink on the beach in Rio, a coffee in New York, a haircut in Paris – or at your local grocery store,” said Walletmor founder and chief executive Wojtek Paprota. “It can be used wherever contactless payments are accepted.”

The company’s chip weighs less than a gram and is a little larger than a grain of rice. Inside the device are a tiny microchip and an antenna encased in a biopolymer. It uses near-field communication or NFC, the same payment system available on your smartphone. 

Paprota told the BBC that it is entirely safe, has regulatory approval, works immediately after being implanted, and will stay firmly in place. It also does not require a battery or other power source. 

Walletmor says it has now sold more than 500 of the chips.

Even though a little more than half of 4,000 people across the U.K. and the European Union told a survey last year they would consider having a chip implanted, they also brought privacy and security issues. 

“Chip implants contain the same kind of technology that people use on a daily basis,” Paumen explained to the BBC. “From key fobs to unlock doors, public transit cards like the London Oyster card, or bank cards with contactless payment function.”

The Walletmor founder is also trying to calm fears about tracking, saying the chip would not allow anyone to be tracked since the implant isn’t made that way. 

Last December, a video highlighting the chip implant efforts containing a so-called vaccine passport by a Swedish company went viral sparking new fears and outrage across social media.  Around 6,000 people in Sweden have had a chip inserted in their hands since 2014, according to Swedes have swapped out carrying keys, train tickets, and ID Cards for the convenience of an embedded microchip. 

“There is a dark side to the technology that has a potential for abuse,” Nada Kakabadse, professor of policy, governance and ethics at Reading University’s Henley Business School told the BBC. “To those with no love of individual freedom, it opens up seductive new vistas for control, manipulation and oppression.”

“And who owns the data? Who has access to the data? And, is it ethical to chip people like we do pets?”

The result, she cautions, could be “the disempowerment of many for the benefits of a few.”

The Christian Perspective

As CBN News reported in February, the Bible’s New Testament warns of the “Mark of the Beast” – a key sign of the End Times before Christ returns. But how can Christians recognize the mark when it becomes reality? 

In a recent video on YouTube, Evangelist Ray Comfort examines that question by looking at Revelation 13:16-17. 

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” — Rev. 13:16-17 NKJV

In the video, Comfort, the founder of Living Waters Publications and the ministry The Way of the Master, explains the mark is not a vaccine or a virus. 

“But the scripture gives us the reason for the mark, it is for commerce. Those who don’t have the mark will not be able to buy or sell,” the Bellflower, California-based preacher said.

Clearly, that raises concerns about microchip implants that could one day be used to control people’s ability to buy and sell. 

SEE MORE about Ray Comfort’s Hand-Chip Analysis HERE.

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