ATLANTA, May 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Communications unearthed in early May between the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) show that the second biggest teachers’ union in the country lobbied the CDC to have school reopening delayed. Weeks later, CDC top brass resign.
Emails obtained by the New York Post confirm correspondence between the two organizations, with the AFT pressuring the CDC to amend its public health guidance on how and when schools should reopen, basing the policy on politics rather than on science and statistics.
Corey A. DeAngelis, senior fellow at the libertarian think tank Reason Foundation, told Fox Business that the discovery “really confirms what we knew all along, that the whole school reopening debate has been more to do with political partisanship and power dynamics than safety and the needs of families.” DeAngelis pointed to the findings of his March study, “Are School Reopening Decisions Related to Union Influence?”
DeAngelis found that “there was no statistically significant relationship between the reopening decisions and the risk of the virus in the area.” Ultimately, his study concluded that “school closures are uncorrelated with the actual incidence of the virus, but
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