Franklin Graham Takes Fight to ‘Godless’ Progressives in California With New Tour

Updated: June 1, 2018 at 12:00 pm EST  See Comments

The Reverend Franklin Graham has revived his Decision America Tour, focusing on the state of California ahead of this year’s midterm elections.

Begun on May 20 at an event in Escondido, thousands attended Graham’s stop at Fresno on Monday, where the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association led attendees in prayer.

The tour goes through or near several key swing districts for the U.S. House. The New York Times’ Elizabeth Dias followed Graham on part of the tour. Graham urged a gathering of pastors to oppose the “blue wall” of California, Dias reported, a reference to the Democrat Party control in the state.

“Progressive? That’s just another word for godless,” Graham reportedly said.

In a separate interview, however, Graham claimed it doesn’t matter which political party Christians support.

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