Iran ATTACKS, But not even a Scratch

Updated: April 18, 2024 at 2:36 pm EST  See Comments

Daniel Gold was born and raised in Tel Aviv. His parents were Holocaust survivors who immigrated to Israel from Hungary.

He completed his studies in electronic engineering in 1983, began his service in the Israeli Air Force, and later served as head of the Electronic Warfare Systems Department and head of the Research and Development Unit.

After Israel made a gesture of unimaginable proportions toward the two-state solution, the utopian fantasy of the Americans that was born after the Oslo Accords and was signed in the early 1990s, Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005 while resettling thousands of Israelis in order to give the Palestinian authority the opportunity to govern and develop the area in the Middle East’s Singapore. Instead, the people voted for Hamas and chose darkness over progress. Daniel Gold pleaded with the Israeli government to fund his idea to develop a revolutionary air defense system.

The Iron Dome missile defense system is a mathematical and engineering marvel. It’s a masterpiece and physics miracle envied by the world.

It is one of many inventions that were designed to keep the dream of coexistence alive while the international community bends over backwards, trying to deradicalize the cult of death and terror in the Muslim Brotherhood branch in Gaza and the West Bank, but to no avail.

The Muslim Brotherhood is estimated to represent about 20% of all Muslims, including those that live in the West’s largest comsopolitans.

On Saturday, the Middle East went to bed for the last time under the paradigm of trying to create a two-state solution.

In Washington, London, Paris, Madrid, Beijing, Moscow, Jerusalem, Teheran, and Berlin, as well as in all other Arab and Muslim countries and the West, a new paradigm is now forming.

Since 1979, the cockroaches in Iran’s regime haven’t attacked Israel from their own soil using their own technology. Instead, they found

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