Triple-jabbed German politician tests positive for COVID hours after publicly supporting mandatory shots

Updated: January 28, 2022 at 2:57 pm EST  See Comments

Fri Jan 28, 2022 – 1:29 pm ESTFri Jan 28, 2022 – 1:29 pm EST

BERLIN (LifeSiteNews) — Thrice vaccinated German politician Ricarda Lang has tested positive for COVID-19 only hours after giving a speech in favor of mandatory vaccination at the German parliament Wednesday.

Lang is currently running to become the leader of the Green party. The 28-year-old candidate was supposed to attend a party conference this weekend, but a positive PCR test result she received Wednesday night means that she now has to self-isolate and will not be able to physically attend the conference.

“Unfortunately, this means that I’m going to have to attend our party conference from home this weekend,” Lang wrote on Twitter Thursday night.

Lang, who says she is bisexual, had done two rapid tests on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, both of which came back negative.

On Wednesday night, after she gave a speech in support of mandatory vaccination in Germany, she received the results of a PCR test which came back positive.

“After my first speech in the Bundestag, I drove home yesterday for a video conference and in the evening, I received the result of the PCR test by e-mail, which we carried out

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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