Trump applauds Nigeria for banning Twitter after its president’s post was deleted

Updated: June 10, 2021 at 9:57 pm EST  See Comments

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MAR-A-LAGO, Florida, June 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Former U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Nigeria for banning Twitter after it deleted a tweet posted by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari

“Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their President,” Trump said in a press release on Tuesday.  

“More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech — all voices should be heard. In the meantime, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil?” 

Trump hinted at a possible run for a second presidential term by adding: “Perhaps I should have done it (banned the social media platforms) while I was President. But Zuckerberg kept calling me and coming to the White House for dinner telling me how great I was. 2024?” 

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