We blew our chance to stop the Left from taking over. Now what?

Updated: February 24, 2021 at 6:57 pm EST  See Comments

February 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – We’re about a month into America’s new normal, so it’s time to take stock: Joe Biden is now President of the United States. His party controls both chambers of Congress. It’s the nightmare scenario conservatives have feared for years, and now it’s upon us. So what happens next?

To recap: the danger is not merely that Democrats have already started reversing a lot of pro-life, pro-freedom, policies via executive orders, or even that they may enact hideous laws such as Roe v. Wade codification or the Equality Act. No, the real danger is that they now have the opportunity to pursue several policies – mass amnesty, court-packing, and DC/Puerto Rico statehood chief among them – that would rig all future national elections in their favor, effectively transforming America into a one-party regime where defending life, liberty, and conscience is virtually impossible.

The question, then, turns now to whether Democrats will be able to use this opportunity to maximum effect, and what can be done to prevent them from doing so.

The first silver lining is that, with a 50-50 Senate in which Democrats will need Vice President Kamala Harris to break all ties, Biden’s allies

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at LifeSite News

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