Yazidi sex slave unwittingly ATE her one-year-old son after ISIS fanatics COOKED the child and served It

Updated: June 27, 2017 at 6:16 pm EST  See Comments

A Yazidi sex slave unwittingly ate her one-year-old son after ISIS fanatics cooked the child and served it with rice after starving her for three days, an Iraqi politician claims.

The starving woman had been kept captive in a cellar for days without food or water before she was tricked by her evil guards, according to MP Vian Dakhill.

ISIS regards Yazidis, who are neither Arab nor Muslim, as being devil-worshippers and have carried out terrible atrocities against the minority in Iraq, massacring thousands and taking women and children as sex slaves.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at DailyMail

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