Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 10.36.44 PMPlanned Parenthood, the satanic meaning behind it all has finally been truly and fully exposed. Recently the latest video has been released regarding planned parenthood, and it is just as exposing as the others if not worse. What is worse, is the article many people missed. An ex-satanist spoke out. According to the ex-satanist; abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice, which is a well-known fact. Not only is it murder but it is also satanic practice. Such of which is committed in every Planned Parenthood, and abortion clinic across the globe.

In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies, the Lepanto Institute interviewed former satanic High Wizard, Zachary King.  Zachary  was an average boy from an American neighborhood who grew up in a Baptist home. He began practicing magick at 10, joined a satanic coven at 13, and had broken all 10 Commandments by the time he was 15 years old. From his teen years to adulthood he worked his way up to High Wizard in the coven and actively pushed satan’s agenda including ritualistic abortions. Zachary is currently writing about his experiences in a new book titled, “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice.” -Lepanto Institute

Full transcript embedded at the bottom.

Next Planned Parenthood Video And Ex-Satanist States Abortion Is A Satanic Sacrifice
Next Planned Parenthood Video And Ex-Satanist States Abortion Is A Satanic Sacrifice

The latest release from CMP (Center For Medical Progress) sheds light on the evil background characters such as the employees of Stem Express. In the video above the CEO, Cate Dyer, is unknowingly telling all about what exactly they are looking to gain from abortion clinics across the country. The main organ discussed is the liver and how they are looking to gain roughly 50 livers per week, which is astonishing.

Not only did this video expose some of the hidden hands behind Planned Parenthood, but she also stated something else that is very important. According to the CEO every abortion clinic in the US is profiting off of selling the baby parts, or as she stated directly;

“Do you feel like there are clinics out there that have been burned, that feel like they’re doing all this work for research and it hasn’t been profitable for them?” she asks. “I haven’t seen that.” StemExpress publishes a flyer for Planned Parenthood clinics that promises “Financial Profits” and “fiscal rewards” for clinics that supply aborted fetal tissue. It is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dorothy Furgerson. Life News

What now can come to light is the fact that some of these aborted babies are actually not aborted, they are alive and transported as such. Also, in some cases these babies are being revived for ritualistic practices. Why one might ask, is because of satanic practice. Some satanic rituals involve the murdering of innocence. Such of which has been done at Planned Parenthood and such of which can now also be proven.

Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a demonic and satanic pool of death and sin.

What should also be stated is the ex-satanist has now become a roman catholic, which by no means has this man truly come out the occult. What this man has done, whether he knows it or not, has gone from one cult to another. The occult this man joined is the Roman Catholic church, and this cult is one of the worst ones on the planet because so many are indoctrinated to false biblical teachings and false biblical practices which can and will lead men and women to the depths of hell.

After all of that information there is even more about StemExpress. Not only are they opening sales to the public but they are also taking human baby parts and creating humanized rats with them! By doing this they can further experiment, just like in Nazi Germany.

“The human body is a complex biological system. In order to fully understand this complex system, in vivo (live) analysis is often required. However, the study of human biology in vivo is severely limited due to ethical and technical constraints.” –StemExpress

According to their website, the company seeks live specimens to further “test” on, well according to Natural News and CMP (Center For Medical Progress) StemExpress has received live specimens that they purchased from Planned Parenthood. Such damning evidence has been blocked by a judge below is the latest on that from StemExpress.

“On August 10, 2015, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge denied the Center for Medical Progress’s (CMP) motion to dissolve a temporary restraining order awarded to StemExpress on July 28. CMP has also refused to produce witnesses for depositions or respond to document requests previously ordered by the Court. StemExpress will continue to seek this discovery and pursue all legal remedies against CMP and its officers.” –StemExpress

According to David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, CNN reported Friday that employees from the company StemExpress were allegedly captured on video May 22 by undercover operatives arranging the transactions.

“In a meeting with their top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants,” Daleiden told the cable news channel. “And so that’s why they’re trying to suppress that videotape and they’re very scared of it.”-NaturalNews

While the attempt to block the evidence was successful the cover up was not. The second they blocked this video they gave it credibility and they also validated CMP’s statements because it is now clear that they are officially hiding something major. Such of which many believe to be the delivery of live babies, however with the motion to dissolve denied such full proof evidence has been blocked, for now.

The companies behind Planned Parenthood should also be investigated by authorities for their crimes because the purchase are just as illegal as the sale.

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8 years ago

why are these animals not in jail.I know that bill gates and other so called humens are founding them and that we are in a dominated satanic world .but seeing them just laughing makes me very angry.if ther dont repent God has a special very hot place for them

9 years ago

hadn't thot about it while wondering WHAT IN HELL would make some female with an almost ready to be born kid in her stomach suddenly come in and DEMAND a "surgical removal" (partial birth ABORTION). She gets paid under the table maybe? Are they paying these female minions to do just that, growing to biggest "organ" stage? They get $$$ and others get parts? And its all a satanic sacrifice to begin with? Wow. Sounds like a most intelligent answer to a question too crazy to answer with anything else maybe? Sad any of us have to think about this horrible stuff. But time everyone got bitch-slapped and woke up quick I think.

9 years ago

I really wish I could convey how these people think in a truly constructive way. People run from it but when a detective is looking for a serial killer one of their biggest tools is getting in the suspects head (while stay grounded). For proponents is not a bad place for them and the vast majority feel as they are truly serving their fellow man by doing what they are doing. They feel like times are too hard to raise a child for some and feel like abortion is the exact equivalent of putting a dog down or kill a horse with a broken leg or kill a baby bird who fell out of the nest ect. The mother is too poor, the daddy left, do we need another welfare baby, do we need another drop-out, it will just further tax the gov and their citizens, adoption children by in large are unsuccessful adults if not adopted. Some even believe that God put that baby on this Earth for a short time to help cure people. Exposing is not enough (I mean i think South park exposed it first or call it "planned programming") but changing the mentality. You do not change a mans heart through hate, anger, ect but actually repulse the human heart through this. You do it through understanding an love. They feel like any business is good business and jobs are jobs especially in the times we are in. The gov has a cop out because they support planned parenthood but do not support the abortions so cannot be faulted for the extra-governmental activities. Sadly de-funding would likely make the trade more vigorous as it is their only or main source of income outside of government funding. I may be wrong but i sense that nothing but hate is given to the people who want to change them but that works in the long run exactly 0% of the time. Even politicians are to blame as "Well they care about the fetus in the womb more then the human that comes out. People talk about lowing assistance to babies born in poverty, lowering schooling, lower housing, and lower all help that can be the difference between an abortion and a healthy baby". I remember the a quote of "We borrow the Earth from our children". I used to think this was backwards and now think maybe it is modern ways that is backwards as when assistance comes we look at the mother and her situation and not at the baby becoming disadvantaged through taking away baby and children's benefits. Speaking for the fetus is not enough so we want change we need to speak for the baby, the child and even life itself.