By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 15, 2016  Updated: July 15, 2016 at 10:35 am EST

The devastating ‘assault truck’ attack levied against Nice, France is potentially a part of a larger assault against the whole of Europe.

Bastille Day is the French National Day that marks the storming of Bastille during the beginning of the French revolution. It was on this day in 2016, an ‘Assault Truck’ slammed into a large crowd of people and killed roughly 84 individuals. On the very same day, a fireworks truck caught fire underneath the Eiffel Tower and sent smoke billowing up the structure which gave the appearance that the Eiffel Tower was set a blaze. A Compilation of Graphic Video of the ‘Assault Truck’ is shown below.

Timing is everything. Hollande announced on July 14th, 2016 that France would lift the ‘state of emergency’ on July 26th, 2016. However in light of the recent terror strike, France will extend the state of emergency. The military presence has only gotten worse in France since the Paris terror attacks in January 2016. The recent attack will only add more stress to an already volatile situation.

According to Patrick Calvary, the head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) – France’s equivalent of MI5, France is on the brink of civil war and he cites terrorism as the potential cause. Calvary claims there is evidence that radical Right-wing French groups have been collecting arms in preparation for their own attacks on mosques and synagogues. The closed inquiry was held on May 24th, 2016 but the information cited was leaked to French Media on July 11th, 2016; just days before the next mass casualty crisis would strike.

As the French deal with the shock-wave of yet another mass-casualty crisis, the strife in the people of France is growing. As well as the concern that the military, intelligence agencies, and the police are unable to keep the “people safe.”

Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the man who took 84 lives, is an ISIS fanatic. Nice Matin, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, was known to the police but not known to the intelligence services. Documents recovered from the ‘Assault Truck’ gave the police the identity to the mass murdering ISIS sympathizer.

According to Hollande, before any evidence surfaced, it was obviously terrorism. Again, timing is everything; just hours before the attack Hollande announced that France would lift the ‘state of emergency’ declaration. Which is important because, in order to keep the people under the military’s presence, or a police state, France would need another incident to blame for the extension of the ‘state of emergency.’ Now, France is mobilizing yet more troops to bolster security in an already delicate situation. However, with the concern of the people growing it is becoming painstakingly obvious to the people of France that their government cannot protect them.

This, of course, is by design. The underlying agenda set in place on the Brexit day was what is known as the European Superstate. Both France and Germany signed off on the accord to join together all countries of the European Union while citing monetary and security concerns. Under the ES, European Superstate, each state would no longer house their own military and currency. Instead, there would be but one military and one currency.

It is called the European Security Compact. “The EU has to face a deteriorating security environment and an unprecedented level of threat. External crises have become more numerous, closer to Europe – both East and South of its borders – and more likely to have immediate consequences for European territory and the security of EU citizens. Power politics are back on the World Stage and conflict is being imported into our continent.”

Citing concerns about the importing of conflict, both Germany and France seek to create a united military across the European Superstate. To gain the people’s approval, it would take both financial and security strife. Which is what is ongoing all throughout Europe and was set in motion by the Brexit.

The Brexit should spark a “Frexit” because of the constant ‘importation of migrants’ requirement made by the EU. However, with the constant drastic events, the attention is not focused on the hidden agenda but rather the need for security. Which is why in the near future the people of France will potentially make a dire mistake, as will the rest of Europe, and hand over the rest of their national sovereignty.

The timing could not be clearer regarding the calculated strike on France’s National day which showcases both symbolism and timing. Two of the requirements in determining the orchestration of a false flag. Europe is under assault by a larger terror sympathizing organization called the Cabal, and they seek to destroy all national sovereignty world wide, to create the New World Order.

Works Cited

AP. “Islamic State terror chief told supporters to run over 'filthy French disbelievers' with their cars two years before Nice attack.” Daily Mail. . (2016): . .

Martin Robinson, Euan McLell, Sam Tonkin, Darren Boyle, Keiligh Baker and Peter Allen. “Dramatic moment ISIS fanatic was shot dead by police: French-Tunisian truck terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel is gunned down after killing 84 including 10 children at Nice Bastille Day firework show.” DailyMail. . (2016): . .

AP. “France’s state of emergency will be lifted, Hollande says.” Breitbart. . (2016): . .

Jon Dean. “ Panic as huge plumes of smoke billow from Eiffel Tower as Nice terror attack unfolds .” Mirror. . (2016): . .

Peter Allen In Paris For The Daily Mail and Sam Tonkin For Mailonline. “France is 'on the verge of a civil war' which could be sparked by a mass sexual assault on women by migrants, intelligence chief warns.” DailyMail. . (2016): . .

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8 years ago

Why are Americans so scared to stand up to the Government when it is clear that the Constitution states that we had our God given right to remove the Government from ALL powers of a Country takeover, which to me has been the agenda for over 50 years. The Public School system has not properly quoted any meaning of the Constitution, and this generation has now been declared dumb asses. How can you let your own flesh and blood be controlled by such a dictatorship? Obama has overwritten laws that he has no power to do, and Clinton is just a smoke screen to keep the country divided and fighting each other to the point of declaring Martial Law and allow Obama to stay in office to complete his NWO plan for depopulation. Are you agreeing to be subdued and feel the boot of Hitler all over again. I don’t know about you, but I am not going to let this government take over with the NWO, and I will find alternate means of total destruction of any foreign troops coming and binding my hands from freedom. There are ways so easy to use more power than any gun or tank that can be put together in less than 30 days, and once this gets out, every Patriot will have the same power to dispel all means of taking citizens by force. The Government has already claimed all your property and possessions and have even set it up for your children to be slaves for food. They plan on taking your land, money, electric, food, transportation, and anything you need to survive without the government control. Get smart destroy all electronics from your children, even if they are over 21. It is distracting them from intelligence and common sense. It is for their own good and the good of mankind. Have a hand in any way you can to take down all social media and games and television, and get Ham radio, CB and any other ways to communicate wit other Patriots when it comes down to the wire, which I think will not be far off.