By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: August 17, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:24 am EST

North Korea releases new propaganda just ahead of planned US and South Korean military drills on the Korean peninsula.

The new pictures are directly from North Korean mouthpiece Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) and were posted on Thursday.

The tensions between the United States and North Korea reached extremely high levels just last week and simmered this week, but next week there is a planned joint US military and South Korean military drill scheduled to take place on the Korean Peninsula which could further escalate the crisis.

How Donald Trump handles North Korea, will set the pace for how the U.S further handles the crisis with Iran. For example, if President Trump allows North Korea to keep and house nuclear weapons whats to say that Iran won’t be able to do the same thing.

North Korea also has attempted to deem the new round of UN Sanctions as ‘illegal;’

This being a hard reality, the UN Security Council has systematically fabricated the anti-DPRK “sanctions resolution” violating the rights to existence and development from 2006.

In particular, the anti-DPRK “sanctions resolution” 2371 which was fabricated under the pretext of the DPRK’s test-launch of ICBM is aimed to completely prevent the DPRK’s economic development and improvement of the people’s living standard. Therefore, this is the criminal act fundamentally detrimental to peremptory norm.

Article 53 of the “Vienna Convention on Treaties” which stipulates the legal acts of states and international organizations says that “a treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law”. This goes to clearly prove that all the anti-DPRK “sanctions resolution” of the UNSC are null and void as they have systematically violated the DPRK’s rights to existence and development.

The statement stressed that all the anti-DPRK “sanctions resolution” fabricated by the U.S. so far by abusing the UNSC should be immediately annulled and the U.S. should pay a high price for the crimes it committed against our state and people. – More

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7 years ago

just a small video

7 years ago

don’t think that the rapture will happen on September 23rd because the people of heaven or angels dont know the date only god knows and we need not worry. for jesus will come like a theft in the night and bring hes glory and love we have seen people make up all kinds of date and ??? nothing happened.. so i tell you just live your life dont worry about that people say the rapture is such a date 9 times out of 10 it a lie. so please live your life in god and jesus and five simple words.. * God has Everything Under Control* keep reading your bible and loving god thank you friends of god