By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: November 30, 2017  Updated: January 26, 2018 at 9:23 am EST

The Obama administration ended almost a year ago, yet still, the former president is acting in part as though he’s still running the show, or is he?

At the beginning of the Trump presidency, several Republicans alleged that Obama was operating a shadow government to undermine the Trump agenda and it appears that the former president is doing just that.

In his final days in office, Mr. Obama stated that he wanted to give the Trump administration ‘room to lead’ just before saying that he was ‘heartened’ by the protestors and rioters causing chaos across the country.

However, Obama is not acting alone, instead of according to the NY Post, he’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Typically, organizations would set up to support the incoming politician, but instead, Obama set up a system to derail the newly elected administration’s agenda.

According to the New York Post;

Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory.

“It is fine for everybody to feel stressed, sad, discouraged,” he said in a conference call from the White House. “But get over it.” He demanded they “move forward to protect what we’ve accomplished.”

“Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope.”

Organizing for Action, the organization, had set up in early 2017 over 250 offices across the country with more planned, and now the former president’s actions are appearing to continue the effort of derailment internationally.

Now, directly after President Trump met with leaders in China, India and other countries in Asia, Obama is following suit days later. The Hill reported that Barack Obama is meeting with Xi Jinping, the president of China, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Also, according to Xinhuanet;

Xi made a positive appraisal of Obama’s efforts in promoting China-U.S. relations during his presidency.

He stressed that China and the United States have an important responsibility to safeguard world peace and stability, as well as boost global development and prosperity.

A long-term, stable and healthy development of Sino-U.S. ties accords with the interests of both nations and the world, said Xi.

China is ready to work with the U.S. to strengthen communication, exchanges and cooperation, so as to push for new development of bilateral relations, he said.

Xi briefed Obama on the major outcomes of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October.

The Times of India also reported that Obama would be in India’s capital city of New Delhi on Dec. 1st for an Obama Foundation event, which the spokesperson confirmed in a statement.

Given the fact, that the Chinese government is actively seeking to undermine US authority in international relations, and Obama is attempting to undermine the Trump administration nationally, could the two be working together to achieve a similar outcome?

Xi Jinping in early 2017;

Xi’s speech was one of many in recent history where he has asserted the desire for China to play a part in shaping the order of world where economic and other ties between nations are less regional and more global.

However, Xi’s most recent remarks at a national security seminar in Beijing, prove to be the most telling of China’s plans. Xi told attendees that China needs to step in to “guide” the development of a new world order, taking the place of the US.

Openly, within that statement, China declared a covert-sort-of-war against the United States. Previously, the US has engaged in open proxy wars with Russia; but given the crises in the South China Sea, it is rather evident that China and the US will begin globally sparring shortly.

“The United States may no longer want to be a provider of global security and public goods, instead, pursuing unilateralism and even nationalist foreign policy,” he said, according to a state-run news website.

The Xinhua state news organization quoted Xi saying, “The overall direction of multi-polarization of the world, the globalization of the economy and the democratization of international relations has not changed…No matter how the international situation changes, we must maintain our strategic steadiness, strategic confidence, and strategic patience.”

Further paraphrasing the president’s remarks, Xinhua wrote, “He called for global vision in national security work, coordinating development and security, combining principles with tactics, and taking the strategic initiative in China’s own hand.”

Interestingly enough, Obama stated and joked prior to leaving office that he was running for a third term. However, the United States Constitution only permits a president to hold two terms, did Obama get selected by the shadow government to keep their operations in place although Trump was elected?

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Mary B.
Mary B.
6 years ago

This inappropriate Obama behavior reminds me of a song by Motley Crue from the big hair days… Don’t go away mad, just go away..!

6 years ago

In reading this story, just two words come to mind; “Logan” and “Act”. Arrest him already!

Phyllis Cross
Phyllis Cross
6 years ago

Why can’t the Trump DOJ do something? Is the Logan Act no longer legal? Why can’t they charge him for undermining a sitting President or something? There should be something we can pin on him. Any ideas?

6 years ago

he has a warrant for war crimes so he does not trail him to every country

6 years ago

He should be hanging or in front of a firing squad for treason!