By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: April 6, 2016  Updated: April 19, 2016 at 1:37 pm EST

Planet X is the mysterious planet that seems to keep dodging researchers across the globe and it has finally made its presence known. This strange planet is formally known as planet nine, since Pluto was demoted. Just recently, researchers discovered that this massive planet is the reason for previous mass extinctions on earth. Dating back supposedly millions of years, this planet seems to have caused asteroid strikes upon the earth which in turn caused massive extinctions.

However strange this planet may seem, the truth of the existence of this planet is now public knowledge. Caltech researchers officially discovered it using infrared telescopes. The anomalies surrounding Neptune’s orbit can now officially be defined as caused by the ninth planet or planet X. That said, now that its existence is sound fact, what else is true about this planet?

According to planet X triggers comet showers every 27 million years, which strike the earth and cause mass extinctions. Keep in mind that the timing of said “comet showers” can never be truly defined due to the timeline having been manipulated by the deception of evolution. So what does the Bible say about Planet X?

While examining the future timeline of the Earth throughout the scripture of Revelation, one thing is astoundingly obvious. There is a star and it is called wormwood.

Revelation 8:10-11
-10 [a]Then the third Angel blew the trumpet, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell into the third part of the rivers, and into the fountains of waters.
11 And the name of the star is called [b]wormwood: therefore the third part of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

The planet itself according to the footnotes in the Geneva version of the Bible do not define the name of the star as wormwood but as a metaphor.

Footnotes: “This is spoken by Metaphor of the name of a most bitter herb, and commonly known, unless perhaps a man following those that note the derivation of words had rather expound it adjectively, for that which by reason or bitterness cannot be drunk, or which maketh the liquor into which is poured more bitter than that any man can drink the same.”

Revelation is not the only chapter that uses the word wormwood.

“Hebrew: la’anah, the Artemisia absinthium of botanists. It is noted for its intense bitterness ( Deuteronomy 29:18 ; Proverbs 5:4 ; Jeremiah 9:15 ; Amos 5:7 ). It is a type of bitterness, affliction, remorse, punitive suffering. In Amos 6:12 this Hebrew word is rendered “hemlock” (RSV, “wormwood”). In the symbolical language of the Apocalypse ( Revelation 8:10 Revelation 8:11 ) a star is represented as falling on the waters of the earth, causing the third part of the water to turn wormwood.

The name by which the Greeks designated it, absinthion, means “undrinkable.” The absinthe of France is distilled from a species of this plant. The “southernwood” or “old man,” cultivated in cottage gardens on account of its fragrance, is another species of it. “

This means that scripturally the word wormwood is used metaphorically, and not figuratively. With that being said, what is the mysterious star in Revelation that is mentioned?

First, we must understand what planets and stars are biblically. There are no planets mentioned in the bible, because it is a modern word used to define objects in the solar system. What is mentioned are the stars and the moon, which God almighty set to rule the night as lights. Now, is that all the stars are? No, according to scripture, stars can be interpreted as fallen angels.

For this specific reference, the star mentioned in Revelation is a fallen star. Which could refer to a planet or a star. This means that planet X could actually be what the Bible is referring to.

Without any other information, it could be concluded that wormwood is a direct reference to planet nine; for one simple reason. Planet nine causes comet showers on the earth which lead to “mass extinctions.” That being said, again, without any other input, it could be concluded that the fallen star known as wormwood could literally be planet nine. That gives us enough information to dig deeper into what exactly planet nine is, and what it means for the end times.

Tell us what you think below in the comments, and stay tuned for further updates to Planet X, as well as a follow up to this report.

Works Cited

Bible Study Tools. “Wormwood.” Bible Study Tools. . (NA): . .

Open Bible. “Planet X.” Open Bible. . (NA): . .

Andy Lloyd. “Dark Star; Planet X The Evidence.” Bibleoteclapades. . (2005): . .

Intellihub. “Alleged CIA agent leaks inside knowledge of Planet X after viewing it through Hubble Space Telescope.” Dailysheeple. . (2016): . .

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8 years ago

I can see that you only allow comments that suit you. Why bother with a comment section then….

8 years ago


If Revelation; were in fact, as is being taught by many religions today as the final judgment of mankind for their sins, then we would have no chose; but to conclude that the only begotten son of the father’s crucifixion and death was in vain; serving very little if any significance in the overall scheme of things. But due to the overwhelming references made throughout scripture to the contrary, stating Jesus died for all sins, past present and future, we must rule this out of the equation.

NOW: Why do I say that?

Because just as our judicial system will not allow someone to be tried twice for the same offense and is considered double jeopardy, neither would the father, which brings us the true intent of the document Revelation

SIDE NOTE: If as stated: Each shall be judged upon their own merit, would you as the prosecutor “The Loving Merciful Father” subject the innocent to the same retributions as those of the guilty


Simply put: Prophecy during this day and age was written to tell a story or series of stories pertaining to many things; as was in this case the life and times of Christ. Whereas a warning document during those days was a written record of a happening or catastrophic event that took place; that by all accounts was considered to possibly be a reoccurring event, and should that be the case; any signs observed for others to look for that took place prior to and during the event were documented to the best of their ability at the time, to be past from generation to generation as a warning to the future of humanity.


“Write down what you see, for these things must come to pass”

The key word here is “MUST” Because no alternate conclusion was given

So: What is the father truly saying here in layman’s terms (Weather or not you worship and obey me 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week 365 days a year and walk the path of my only begotten son, this will take place. Thus a warning not judgment

JUMPING TO CHAPTER 6, because in Chapters 1 thru 5 it references the seven churches of Asia Minor who existed at the time and was being written to: we’ll move on

1): Those who read Revelation MUST keep in mind the prime objective stated throughout “WATCH THE HEAVENS FOR THE SIGNS”

2): Why would the father feel the need to give forewarning before judgment?

These are things to consider as we move forward

CHAPTER 6; OPEN OF THE SEVEN SEALS “CONDENSED” I will only cover the first four

FIRST SEAL: And the first beast spoke, and said look, so I looked; and saw a white horse and its rider held a bow, and was given a crown. Notice he did not say he was wearing a crown

What is being referenced here, keeping in mind NOTE: 1?
He is referring to the constellation Sagittarius, whose rider holds a bow and at his feet is a crown. So we must keep our eyes looking in this area for the approaching Conquer for this is the direction from which it will approach

SECOND SEAL: And the second beast spoke, and said look, so I looked; and saw a Red horse given the power to take peace from the earth causing people to kill each other.

What is being referenced here: Well, Scientifically we know, when an object of this speed and mass is coming toward you, this will cause light frequencies to bend and therefore making the object appear reddish in color.
As the conquer approaches panic and ciaos will ensue once people realize how unprepared they are for such an undertaking, they will begin killing each other for their resources

THIRD SEAL: And the third beast spoke, and said look, so I looked; and saw a Black horse and in his hands he held a scale saying a measure of wheat for a day’s wages.
The black horse represents an incoming barrage of meteors and meteorites and such that will pulverize the crops in the fields making food scarce at best.

FORTH SEAL: And the forth beast spoke, and said look, so I looked; and saw a Pale horse Named Death.
As in the second seal: Scientifically we know when an object of this speed and size is moving away from you, this will cause light frequencies to bend differently and therefore make the object appear a pale blue/green in color.
After it leaves, starvation, disease, and death will follow.

I hope without going any further you have a better understanding of how to decode the drama that was intentionally placed in Revelation to know what is at our doorstep.

FOOTNOTE: R 12:3 The beast with seven heads is Nemesis (wormwood) and fore planets with three moons with one of the planets being struck resembling a wound that healed
R 1:14 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

Christian Gains
Christian Gains
8 years ago

Well, FIRST we MUST deal with your “interpretation” of the Scriptures. (“PLANET” truly was NOT a Biblical description, BUT! “Stars” were not limited to the modern definition, either — Gen.6:1 – 13; Psm.82; Daniel 10: 13 & 20; Num.24:17; I Cor.15:41;[CLEARLY relating to a Planet]; ).

SECONDLY: Revelation 12:4[A], is where “2/3rds” of the “stars” were ‘drawn by the Dragon’s tail’, and ‘cast … to the earth’ from Heaven. (btw…it’s ALWAYS best to have the Scriptures in front of you, if you plan on using them as evidence).

THIRDLY: “WORMWOOD”, [metaphor of the “star” that was (Rev.8:10 – 11: “…and there fell a great “STAR” from heaven…and the name of the “STAR” is called ‘wormwood’…”.

FOURTHLY: EACH & EVERY “star” mentioned in relation to the N.T. “END TIMES” strikes the Earth…BUT! #9 has never, and is not projected to…

NOW…there’s another significant reality…The Scriptures only give the Earth an “age” of 6000 years. (yes! I KNOW! “Science”,[so called], gives it MUCH MORE time of existence…but, if you’re going to use the Scriptures to validate your thesis…then USE THEM to support ALL! IF they’re RIGHT at ALL, THEN, they’re ALL right!

8 years ago

The War in Heaven
Revelations 12…8 and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night.…

2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.

Revelation 12:4
His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.

Revelation 12:9
The huge dragon was hurled down. That ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down to the earth, along with its angels.

THERE you are… the UFO phenomenon… lights in the sky… EXPLAINED!

Run from the Darkness to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

8 years ago

NATE,the mini solar system is coming,IF americans would LISTEN to GODS prophets as they were commanded to,they’d KNOW,just recently he told his prophets THE NIBIRU MINI SOLAR SYSTEM “IS NOW BETWEEN THE EARTH AND THE SUN”,and will be arriving here shortly,many people who claim to be christians NEVER listen to anything OUR LORD says,and thats going to cost them their life,they won’t even see this thing coming till its way TO LATE……….