By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 27, 2018  Updated: March 27, 2018 at 7:44 am EST

Scientist Guy McPherson claims that the world only has until 2026 before Climate Change wipes humanity off the face of the Earth.

Guy McPherson is a retired biology and ecology professor and claimed in 2016 that runaway climate change will end humanity in ten years. The former professor used to teach at the University of Arizona. Guy is well known for promoting the idea of near-term extinction (NTE), a term he coined about the possibility of human extinction as soon as 2026.

“For most of us, we’ll be going sooner than that 2026 timeline I presented a couple of years ago.”

“Plant life will be unable to keep up with the repetitive rise in temperature. Plants will die, and we need plants to survive. We don’t eat without plants. The water will continue to be fouled, the air will continue to be spoiled,” explains Prof McPherson.

“But a primary factor will be starvation as civilization collapses and the inability to grow grains at scale is one result.”

“It could be – and I’m not predicting this, but this could happen – that the world’s 400-plus nuclear power plants melt down catastrophically when unattended by people because they’re not paid because civilization collapses. That could cause ionizing radiation to strip away the Earth’s atmosphere and leave us in the not-too-distant future looking a lot like Mars.”

“It could be that we lose the living planet. That’s not what I wish for, that’s not what I’m predicting, but it wouldn’t surprise me. There would be no human around to document that demise.”

Guy is not alone in his statements, recently Prince Charles also declared on July 18, 2015, that the world now has “just 35 years to save the planet” from “global warming.”

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6 years ago

I know that weather modification is possible and is even made known by the researchers and program representatives and the major nations all seem to have a program. It is unsure whether it will be weaponized but I think our drastically fluctuating whether is a likly tesult of the research and/or objectives from the powers that be. Whether could be used to kill off plant life which effects livestock and human life and could be used in a semi area-specific targeting. I think agenda 21 has something to do with the global warming, now climate change (whatever tag term fits acute circumstances), narrative. They will try to get people into the cities and out of the country to have better control and take away private transportation; thats why we see a large bicycle movement and running being pushed. Many elites also make known that they wish to reduce the worlds’ population by 85-90% We also know from prophecy that the world is going to be here for a longer time and everyone is not going to be just wiped out.

6 years ago

He has no kids. That’s one thing to be grateful for!