
Series The Exclusive CERN Files


CERN Searches Inner Earth For Interdimensional Particles – The Occult Connection

While Gods truth provides answers, the enemy works tirelessly to cover them up. With the enemies primary goal of usurping Gods position, he manipulates the Word and uses the truths provided within it to get his way and infect the minds of others. Satans kingdom in these end times is being built for his short reign on this earth. It’s being built by science and technology. One of the leaders in both of those fields is CERN, as they created the world wide web and run the Large Hadron Collider.

Open SESAME, CERN’s New Light Source to Create “Science for Peace” in the Middle...

Particle physics, a world of breaking the rules, of tampering with the unknown, and a world of hidden motives. CERN has been delving into primordial plasma for years at the Large Hadron Collider, but there’s a new facility treading on creation, and it was built by the same physicists who run CERN.