2 Timothy 3:16

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:


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6 years ago

This is only true if it is the King James Version that’s being used; all others are counterfeit because they add to, omit passages, change doctrine, etc. Not only do they contradict the Holy Bible, but they contradict each other! They were cleverly used to infiltrate the Church since the 1950’s, and most young pastors these days have no idea about them! Many of the older pastors are indifferent, and WILL be held accountable to God, Mt. 7: 20-23. The best way to prove what I’m saying is true, is to take two or more of these modern messes/ per-versions and to compare them with each other, carefully examining the wording differences. It will shock the boots right off ya!

Lamb's Servant
Lamb's Servant
6 years ago
Reply to  Skywatcher57

The KJV has a lot of mistakes and it has eliminated some Books out of the O.T.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lamb's Servant

Please show me one mistake; it’s easy to say, but not provable. This is a lie propagated by this latest generation of “theologians” who are too lazy or slack to go back to the discoveries of the early Conservative theologians who did their due diligence. The modern messes, as I’ve said, are the culprits that are full of errors, omissions, etc. I’m attaching a couple of documents that strongly shoots your position right in the head, with scholarly experise.

Lamb's Servant
Lamb's Servant
6 years ago

The Bible is certainly infallible and it is profitable but nowhere does it say that it is sufficient.