Imagine you work for a human microchip company. The president has given you the opportunity to make a televised speech to the nation. What would you say to persuade people to get a microchip? The question you just read is not from WikiLeaks, and not from a biotechnology corporation, but rather it was the subject of a lesson being taught by a Public Florida High School to tenth graders.

The following message was sent to Freedom Fighter Times.


this was shared by a friend on FB. Read the ??

— 3:12 PM – 28 Oct 2016 by: @spreadthemesg

After researching for the lesson online, the following similar lesson came up. It is by an author called Semantics Logic which uses the website Prezi to share presentations online for educational purposes.

The transcript for the lesson is as follows:

Should humans have microchips? What would be the benefit of a microchip?
After viewing two videos students will be able to identify the positive and negative effects of cloning.

After viewing one video about microchipping, students will be able to describe the controversy of microchipping humans.
Focused Notes
While viewing the videos today, you will be taking focused notes. Our focused questions are:
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Write a Summary
Why is microchipping controversial?

What are the positive and negative effects of cloning?

Whether or not the lessons are the same is minuscule compared to the impact that either lesson will have on high schoolers. Not to mention, the impact those soon to be adults will have on the world.

The lesson is a clear statement that a version of the Mark of the Beast is coming to the United States in the form of microchips. The question still, of course, is how in the world is the President of the United States going to persuade the masses to accept said chip. In this lesson, it would appear as though the Powers that be are fishing for answers from tenth graders.

Revelation 13:16-17 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
16 And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

This is not the first time, that breach of ethics type of lessons have been taught to kids. In other public schools children are being taught to use dildos, and directing dead babies.

The entirety of the in-doctrinal style education system has got to change; the future generations are in for a rude awakening when microaggressions are not taken seriously by the real world.

The audacity to microchip a human in similarity with an animal showcases the true meaning of evolutionists and scientists alike. Both fields do not teach the value of human life, rather what is taught is the ideology that humans are just another animal.

Updates will come with more information regarding which school, textbook and more.

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Mary C. Wallace
Mary C. Wallace
5 years ago

Put Christ back in our schools!!

7 years ago

What school was this from? This story has been impossible to vet.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nate

Florida dad Shaun Hudson posted online a picture of a homework assignment his teen son received at school. thats what i read

Jerry Jay
Jerry Jay
7 years ago

Whether you feel it is the work of Satan or not depends on your religious views, however, know full well that this is one of the instruments for population control. It will come down as convenience for cashless economy, remove need to carry identification, etc….it is to be able to track your movements, your current location, and your alignment or opposition to the World Order. It will determine your treatment by government agencies and ultimately to even your continued existence.

7 years ago

I’m a writer. Want to share some info? – contact me at my email.
So say they have suspended operations. Weird. However, their domain name is registered until I think July 2017, but their real identity is hidden, at least from what I can tell so far.
So people use Prezi to create their own presentations for government or business etc. and you’ve probably already seen a list of their customers on their website. So…it seems Semantics Logic is an unidentified person who posted their “lessons” via the Bellwork name. I saw one school district that got a school contract of about $5800 to pay Bellwork to use their lessons. I registered with Prezi to see if I could get anymore info on Semantics Logic in particular, but couldn’t.
We have to know that the person who did the video for Expedition 9 about the micro-chipping is working on behalf of Satan – knowingly or unknowingly, but I’m thinking they know damn well they are part of the New World order and all is willingly. Then it comes down to any particular teacher at a school with a similar goal – picking and choosing their lessons accordingly. Nobody in the school hierarchy is going to give a sh&t to stop them – so long as it looks New World Orderly and doesn’t mention God or bash Muslims, they get an okay to go ahead and teach this stuff unchecked in their classrooms. It’s Satan running rampant, using his minions – one teacher at a time.
I was trying to search for a link back to the UN, because eventually I can trace everything back to the UN. But in this instance I think we have stealth indoctrinators – independent agents – setting our children up for the Mark of the Beast.
We can, however, link Prezi back to the United Nations, as there are a ton of materials ABOUT the UN on Prezi, and here’s one even created BY the UN using…Prezi!

So…here we have our first link from the UN Beast vehicle to the workbook on microchipping. It’s a first step.
Want to work together on some stuff? Contact me.
Susan D. Harris

7 years ago

S.M.A.R.T (Self Monitoring Analytical Reporting Technology)

Don’t comply . . . let’s starve the beast brothers and sisters! Maranatha.

7 years ago
Reply to  YourFilmore

Amen Amen!!!!