By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 12, 2015  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:25 pm EST

Interesting photos from inside Texas Walmart paint a blazingly obvious question. What in the world is going on at these Walmart’s?
The supposed response is that it is for “remodeling” as our bold insider got some photos from inside and some quotes from some of the employees still employed at the Walmart in El Paso:

“I went and it seems as if they were moving everything around…some things were really odd though and I asked about them. Like shelving/display units were pushed together as you can see in the pics. The tubing in the ceiling ran front to back and side to side. Many areas were “vacant” and falsely filled in with a few pallets. Specifically right in front of all the tv’s….weird to me because all i could imagine is them setting up to use that area for monitoring…could be wrong. The manager told me they were remodeling….that they were putting new floor and shelves. I saw no new flooring and only one row of the Sams type shelving. It was weird that many units were pushed together. Where you would usually be able to walk through with a cart was impossible. Some isles were tight, but they’re still in the works of whatever they’re doing. I asked a few people what was happening and they all said the same thing…exactly…they’re remodeling…I’ll go back in a few days to see what “progress” they’ve made.”

Interestingly enough all most all Walmart remodels do not require the entire store to be closed spontaneously. As well as they usually do not require such amounts of storage containers. As many have seen what is inside of this storage containers in another Walmart incident, they were putting up fencing and the storage units usually where a tad bit empty. As you will see in the second image gallery.

The Latest Strange Activity At Walmart Now Shows Just What They Are Preparing For

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The common answer for all of the strange activity is that the DHS will be using Walmart’s as a staging ground, or as an intake center for either detainees or refugees. The even stranger part is all of the UN trucks that have now been spotted heading into Texas. All of this equipment and all of the military movements simply put raise a blazingly obvious question, what is it for?

According to another source which kindly disclosed a bit of information, from Tulsa, in light of the recent events:

Talked with a friend last night whom I had told to look up what was going on right after the 5 walmart store closings. He called me back last night after talking with a friend of his that works for the cia. This guy works closely with DHS and let him in on some things. I have known him for 10 years, he’s a devout Christian.

1. Walmart stores were closed to be turned into UN base operation stations.

2. Most military take the oath I did 22 years ago, to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. The exception to that rule are special ops soldiers, DHS operatives, CIA etc, which are required; in addition; to sign statements saying that they would have no problem killing AMERICAN CITIZENS.

3. He’s told me that guns are not the main target, CHRISTIANS ARE! That’s whose bodies they plan to fill the 1 billion+ dollars worth of cremation coffins they bought.

4. He did not know exactly what date it would actually start but had a feeling it would correspond with independence day, since everyone would most likely be drinking, relaxing, and un-expectant.

  1. They plan to detain Christians and if you won’t denounce the religion, it’s an immediate death sentence. Some won’t even get that chance, and they plan to kick the door in and murder them right then. I’m not sure what criteria make that decision.”

Now things are beginning to make sense. To back this sources claim that Christians are the targets, below is a pdf that has been made available to the public and in it are some shocking things. The most interesting part is that the document was released in October 1999 which means that this “new drill” has been going on for a long time. Such of which Freedom Fighter Reports will be displaying in the next report, the truth about mapping and predictive intelligence also called Geo-spatial Engineering.

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”1230099.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]

This adds More To the conclusion that there is something far worse going on right now then “plumbing issues”

Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 12.05.49 AM

And even more information is rolling in to us from our sources.

“Wife went by the closed Tulsa Walmart. They removed the signing that said pharmacy above the door. She was going to take video, but a security guy pulled up in front of her, so she left. She witnessed the people there (including the police officers) carrying large white drums in and out of the building. She had no idea what was in them, but it took 3 people to carry them. They were obviously heavy. When she left she was followed out of the premises and tailgated by a red car until she abruptly exited the highway and the car couldn’t get over to follow her. The passenger was pointing at her when they drove past. She was followed for roughly 8 miles before she lost them. I guess they’re getting upset at people wanting to know what’s ACTUALLY going on. If you pull up a map of Tulsa, she left the Walmart on memorial drive and admiral place, down admiral place east bound, through the traffic circle, got on highway 169 southbound, and lost them when she exited on highway 51 east bound. Definitely not a route the average person would take for no reason, and a long way out of the way for most.

Thought you’d want to know that they are starting to get VERY protective of pictures and such.”

As shown above even more interesting events have been transpiring at Walmart’s across the country.

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