By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 4, 2018  Updated: March 4, 2018 at 7:28 pm EST

Richard Dawkins is perhaps one of the most well-known atheists in the world, but the world may not have known of his desire to eat human flesh.

Mr. Dawkins sparked controversy over what appears to be his admission of a yearning to consume human flesh, just as cow flesh, or as he words it; “What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism? An interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus “yuck reaction” absolutism.”

In reference is a recent tweet by the author of the god delusion;

Tissue culture “clean meat” already in 2018? I’ve long been looking forward to this.  What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism? An interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus “yuck reaction” absolutism.

Interestingly enough, lab-grown meat, as we have previously discussed, resembles human muscle tissue. However, the extravagant dish was priced at roughly $325,000 per five ounces, but over the years the cost has dropped to $11.36 per five ounces as the demand and innovation for such dishes continue to grow it is expected to become an extremely affordable dish as early as this year.

The good news, however, is that, formally in-vitro meat, lab-grown meat is still not widely accepted by consumers, meaning that lab-grown meat has a very long and uphill battle before it becomes popular.


In addition, environmentalists believe that lab-grown meat could be the key to reducing global warming, with one study predicting it could reduce greenhouse emissions by 96 percent.

However, as per Mr. Dawkins, what ethical boundaries could lab-grown meat bring about? The central point of in vitro meat is to create an alternative to traditional meat, yet, Mr. Dawkins is immediately considering going whether or not, lab-grown meat will surpass the moral barrier of cannibalism?

At what point does the issue jump from an alternative to traditional meat all the way to cannibalism? Unless of course, there is an agenda to do so. Interestingly enough, according to scripture, the Bible speaks of how lawlessness will come about, and as per Mr. Dawkins’ suggestion, could lab-grown meat be the barrier-busting product that sparks the return of cannibalism?

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6 years ago

One thing demon controlled people end up doing is eating humans. Always.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Unfortunately, you’re correct, Sue. BTW, anybody who eats at a fast food restaurant, besides Dairy Queen, is eating aborted babies/horse meat! This is why so many are getting the human version of the Mad Cow Disease. We call it Alzheimer’s and Dementia!

6 years ago

Lets start with Richard Dawkins yet i doubt his grisly fatty tissue would be desirable for anyone .

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

You go ahead; start without me; I’m more into free range chicken!

6 years ago

This reminds me of the first sin in the Garden of Eden…Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the forbidden fruit, but they disobeyed. Here’s a classic example of people eating of the forbidden fruit of human flesh, which is why God commanded Israel to kill off nations which practiced cannibalism.

6 years ago

This is not anything new; one can buy human meat at the market in many of the Muslim countries. They consider the eating of Christians to be the greatest sacrifice to Allah because of the byproduct we are changed into…manure.

Most of us are not aware, but the only fast food chain in Canada (at least) that doesn’t serve aborted babies in their burgers is Dairy Queen. The USA isn’t innocent of this practice…The FBI investigated McDonald’s several years ago, and found that their burgers are a blend of aborted babies and horse meat! This is why there is a sharp increase in Alzheimer’s and Dementia; it’s the human form of Mad Cow disease, a result of cows eating animal byproducts…cannibalism!

Through the fast food joints, we’re being subtly transformed into being cannibals through the burgers! Now, there’s something to masticate upon! With genetic engineering going on for years and years, we don’t really know what is in our foods anymore. Pepsi-Co, Kraft, Nestle’s and others also used aborted babies in their products as “Natural Ingredients” of “Natural Flavors”. Go online and search: Uses for aborted babies. Here’s one link to get you started:

Aborted babies are used in face creams and vaccines too! Those government agencies that are supposed to be there to protect us have been bought off by those who use these materials. Our personal safety and well-being is no longer one of their concerns; the dollar is!

Ken W
Ken W
6 years ago
Reply to  skywatcher

Truth is stranger than fiction, to that I agree. I’ve heard rumors of these things you’ve mentioned, and it’s difficult to come to terms with such evil in the world. Satan is the great deceiver. My family has cut out McD’s completely from our diets, and “hamburger” from any fast food hasn’t been in our diets for the last 6 years. In fact, we’ve gone the way of vegetarians and plant-based diets and have seen a TREMENDOUS increase in our health. From weight loss to mental clarity, what a difference. Our children hasn’t had any vaccination, not even so much as a flu shot. They eat plant based diets as well. They’ve been walking since 9 months, etc. They have never had an infection or been sick. Hard to believe, I’m sure, but it’s true.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ken W

Thank you, for sharing that! The proof is in the pudding, isn’t it. You’re a testimony to what diligence in the kitchen can yield! Before the flood, nobody ate meat, and I say that as I eat a ham steak. I shall have to try out your meat-free diet and see if I can lose a couple of pounds. The problem for me though, is that I lose strength when I don’t eat meat, as strange as that may sound. When I do try to abstain…don’t get between me and a pork chop when the cravings hit! Isn’t that awful, but that clearly shows the power that is in the meat these days. When they can make it in a Petri dish, little wonder what side effects will come from that! Blessings!

6 years ago

Who cares what the bible or any religious text says? You guys need to grow up. There is no proof of any gods. Why don’t you pray to zeus to make the rain fall?

Ken W
Ken W
6 years ago

There’s proof of God all around you, but you refuse to see it. There’s 0 proof of evolution, yet you have faith in it. There’s 0 proof of the big bang theory, yet you believe. In fact if you were intelligent enough, or at the very least drop your intentional disdain, you would see it takes at least as much faith (if not more) to believe in evolution vs creationism. You are blind, lost in your indoctrination. I don’t care in what you believe, but it saddens me you give your soul away so easily, without even a fight. To pray for you would be a waste of time, but I’ll do so.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ken W

Praying for any believer is NEVER “a waste of time”. Many former atheist scientists and others have come to realize they have been deceived and they are now happily serving Christ. I believe that is due to prayers of a great many people. God loves us all; the ground at the foot of the cross is level, and He is no respecter of persons, so we should pray all the more for those who put up the hardest resistance. In the end, on the day of Judgment, they’ll be extremely glad we did! Blessings!

Daughter of Christ
Daughter of Christ
6 years ago

God bless you! I love you and Jesus Christ loved you!

Daughter of Christ
Daughter of Christ
6 years ago

Typo….I meant Jesus loves you!