A Free Syrian Army fighter takes cover during clashes with Syrian Army in the Salaheddine neighborhood of central Aleppo. Image Credit: (Flickr) a.anis
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: June 27, 2017  Updated: June 27, 2017 at 8:28 am EST

The White House has accused Syria of preparing a chemical weapons attack and warns that if such is conducted the Assad government, and military will pay a hefty price.

Press Statement;

The United States has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. The activities are similar to preparations the regime made before it’s April 4th, 2017 chemical weapons attack. As we have previously stated, the United States is in Syria to eliminate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. If, however, Mr. Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price.

The White House likened the current activities of the Assad regime to the actives just prior to the chemical weapons attack supposedly conducted on April 4th, 2017. However, no investigation was fully carried out to conclude that Assad used chemical weapons.

In addition, the US Ambassador to UN Haley says “any further attacks done to the people of Syria will be blamed on Assad,” as well as Russia & Iran.”


Earlier in June of 2017, the Pro-US forces in Syria conducted a strike against Assad’s forces. The coalition struck down an armed UAV that fired on coalition-backed forces on patrol; the aforementioned marks the first direct assault on the Assad coalition, going forward, it appears as though that it won’t be the last.

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7 years ago

According to Seymour Hersch, you are absolutely correct in your assessment. Trump is not getting the right information. McCain, Graham, Schumer and Pelosi all want war and a false flag attack is just fine with them. Putin knows the USA is weak financially and militarily and will does not know how to win a Middle Eastern conflict. It is suicide to the American military to attempt to take on Russia. They have been patient knowing the USA would eventually challenge them and they are vastly more prepared for World War 3 than we are. Trump had better wise up or he just may go down as the dumbest (and last) president of America.

The Truth
The Truth
7 years ago
Reply to  Sonny

I would not go as far as to claim Trump is not getting the right evidence, if so Trump is then already the dumbest president the USA has had, … if one steps outside the box and looks at the leadership of the USA, Trump is not what he pretends to be, he is playing the people, and the sheeple are lapping it up, he will be the destroyer of the USA. he is not only a business man but he is a cunning lying one, that knows the only way for the USA with its unsustainable debt, to stand a chance of surviving the crash, is WAR, (even though the War is unwinnable) however he is master and a gambler, planning what he believes is a way out, he is surrounded by psychopath’s that are the pawns, by HIS choosing, … after all he is the leader: WAR IS COMMING as sure as Night follows day. but this is the final war: and the USA will be destroyed along with much of the world. the second tower of Babylon is coming down. a true Rome 2

7 years ago
Reply to  The Truth

I agree with you. I think Trump is out to destroy the US. There has never been a divide among its citizens like we see today

7 years ago

Where is any proof of this?

The Truth
The Truth
7 years ago
Reply to  Hawksblood1

You are walking evidence of this ” Tommy Hawksblood” being a blind sheeple to the facts at hand:

7 years ago

A great deal of the Syrian civilians are not Muslim but are Christian. ISIS is a secret CIA terrorist group created to destabilize the region and topple Assad from power.
The US plays both sides of the fence in this proxy war. But the real reason the US is there is they are searching for ancient technology from the time of the Babylons, and Sumerians. Hence, the Tower of Babel.

Edwin Rodrigues
Edwin Rodrigues
7 years ago

as long as some islamic trash die , I do not care because ultimately these muslims grow up to be islamic terrorist and kill people for their stupid satanic god Allah . Only the Christians in the Middle East need to be protected , Muslims need to fight their own stupid battle and break their heads how to resolve this Allah trash religion called Islam .

7 years ago

Not good. The previous attacks attributed to the Syrian government are essentially debunked: the first by the UN, and the latter through info (the Seymour Hersch story from Germany) this past weekend. Have a read at the attachment from Veterans Today: it gives its take on the Hersch story, and then hope and pray that the US Administration thinks before it acts.