Last year the World Economic Forum called for an urgent reform to capitalism, this year, the largest threats against global stabilization, according to the World Economic Forum, are Nuclear War, Environmental Catastrophes, and Multipolarity.
The World Economic Forum convenes this week in Davos, however, each year prior to the annual elitist gathering, released is the annual Risk Report. In 2018 according to the report, the state of the world is increasingly more uncertain.
Pressing Concerns
- Cyber attacks that target critical infrastructure and strategic industrial sectors. In a worst-case scenario, they could trigger societal chaos.
- Data fraud or theft of private or government data on an unprecedented scale.
- Climate change continues to cause havoc because governments and businesses fail to combat the causes.
- Mass migration continues because of war, natural disasters, and poverty.
- Terrorist attacks that inflict large-scale death and destruction.
- Financial bubbles that could hit stocks, commodities, and housing.
In 2017, the Davos Elite called for changing the very nature of capitalism. The year over, such ‘reform’ is evident by the world looking more towards China than the United States as the global leader;
The globalists claim that reforming the very nature of capitalism will be needed to combat the rise of populism and nationalism. Following the global financial crisis, the report highlights the massive inequality gap in growth in developed countries. It also mentions that over the next several years technology could cause a catastrophic social change due to automation entirely wiping out jobs.
“This points to the need for reviving economic growth, but the growing mood of anti-establishment populism suggests we may have passed the stage where this alone would remedy fractures in society: reforming market capitalism must also be added to the agenda,” it said in its latest Global Risks Report.
“The combination of economic inequality and political polarization threatens to amplify global risks, fraying the social solidarity on which the legitimacy of our economic and political systems rests,” it added. — Economic Collapse Next?
Furthermore, the world, according to the surveyed leaders for 2018, has moved into an unsettling geopolitical phase, an increasingly more dangerous environmental cycle, and closer to the brink of Nuclear War. In addition to the report issued by the World Economic Forum, to add credence to the concerns, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved the Doomsday Clock to two minutes to midnight.
The Top of The List.
Weather events are the top concern, even more than nuclear war, according to World Leaders, citing human-caused Climate Change as the main reason behind such. As a result, the World Economic Forum has published the most pressing challenges in relation to the environment; extreme weather events and temperatures, accelerating biodiversity loss, pollution of air, soil and water, failures of climate-change mitigation and adaptation, and transition risks as we move to a low-carbon future.
However, the most worrisome challenge is the interconnectedness that exists both among these environmental risks and between them and risks in other categories—such as water crises and involuntary migration.
For several years now, Climate Extremists have warned of a warming world caused by human action.
Nuclear War
According to the WEF, the risk of nuclear war is far greater because of North Korea’s continued ballistic missile tests and President Trump’s willingness to annihilate North Korea if it launches an attack.
“The escalation of geopolitical risks was one of the most pronounced trends of 2017, particularly in Asia, where the North Korea crisis has arguably brought the world closer than it has been for decades to the possible use of nuclear weapons.” – WEF
According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the risk of a nuclear war has escalated drastically;
“The greatest risks last year arose in the nuclear realm. North Korea’s nuclear weapons program made remarkable progress in 2017, increasing risks to North Korea itself, other countries in the region, and the United States.Hyperbolic rhetoric and provocative actions by both sides have increased the possibility of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation.
But the dangers brewing on the Korean Peninsula were not the only nuclear risks evident in 2017: The United States and Russia remained at odds, continuing military exercises along the borders of NATO, undermining the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), upgrading their nuclear arsenals, and eschewing arms control negotiations.
In the Asia-Pacific region, tensions over the South China Sea have increased, with relations between the United States and China insufficient to re-establish a stable security situation.— Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Multipolarity, Geopolitics
The state of geopolitics is more unstable than ever before due to the reality of the world becoming increasingly multipolar. At the close of the Cold War, the United States was the sole international leader, but since then other Superpowers have risen to status and are able to challenge the United States and its leadership.
The phases of World Order Explained;
Phase One – Unipolarity (done)
Unipolarity is used to describe the power structure when one superpower dominates alone. The end of the Cold War meant that the previous decades’ superpower rivalry now had ended. There was no longer the “traditional” East vs. West conflict, at least not the way it had been earlier in the 20th century.
The United States surfaced as the sole dominating power in world politics as there were no real challengers to their hegemonic position. This allowed greater room for the superpower to maneuver and to get involved in international issues that not necessarily coincided with national interest. We can describe this new political situation as being unipolar.
Phase Two – Bipolarity (done)
Bipolarity is used to denote the basic structure in the international system when it is dominated by two superpowers. This means that other states must ally themselves with one of the two major powers, which again limits their room to maneuver and thus result in more stable international politics.
Phase Three – Multipolarity (We Are Here)
A system of multipolarity increases rivalry in world politics, the reason being that many states of similar strength compete for power and influence. These states are often uncertain of other states’ intentions, which increases the probability of military action. Also, the power balance in this type of system is changing constantly, as a result of changing alliances.
Multipolarity denotes the fundamental power structure in an international system dominated by several large powers, and is characterized by antagonism between these.
According to the World Economic Forum and the 1000 leaders surveyed the world is entering into Multipolarity and such is evident by the rise of China. Just last year, at the Davos gathering of Elitists Xi Jinping issued his desires to replace the United States on the World Stage.
Xi told attendees of Davos 2017 that China needs to step in to “guide” the development of a new world order, taking the place of the US. Openly, within that statement, China declared a covert-sort-of-war against the United States. Previously, the US has engaged in open proxy wars with Russia; but given the crises in the South China Sea, it is rather evident that China and the US will begin globally sparring shortly.
“The United States may no longer want to be a provider of global security and public goods, instead, pursuing unilateralism and even nationalist foreign policy,” Xi said, according to The Xinhua state news website.
The news organization quoted Xi saying, “The overall direction of multi-polarization of the world, the globalization of the economy and the democratization of international relations has not changed…No matter how the international situation changes, we must maintain our strategic steadiness, strategic confidence, and strategic patience.”
Further paraphrasing the president’s remarks, Xinhua wrote, “He called for global vision in national security work, coordinating development and security, combining principles with tactics, and taking the strategic initiative in China’s own hand.”
The 2018 Report
Works Cited
Sarah Begely. “Here's What Worries World Leaders Even More Than Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Time Magazine. . (2018): . .
Eshe Nelson. “The world’s biggest worries are environmental disasters, not economic collapse.” Quartz. . (2018): . .
Holly Ellyatt. “World entering 'critical period of intensified risks' in 2018, WEF says.” CNBC. . (2018): . .
Kim Hjelmgaard. “Nuclear war, extreme weather top list of 2018 threats in global survey.” Usa Today. . (2018): . .
John Mecklin. “2018 Doomsday Clock Statement Science and Security Board.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. . (2018): . .
Global Warming is a GIANT SCAM…..wake up Its snowing all over the world……..
No doubt, we are near end times. Regarding our climate and weather concerns, people need to wake up to the “Grand Solar Minimum” that is approaching. We have already entered this time and people need to understand and prepare. You can simply go to YouTube and find information to research.