Men and equipment are shown being parachuted to earth in an operation carried out by United Nations airborne units. It was the first time the United Nations, founded in 1945, had been forced to play a role. Sixteen countries sent troops to South Korea, while 41 sent equipment or aid
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: April 28, 2017  Updated: April 28, 2017 at 8:53 am EST

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have both warned of the potential crisis that could unfold on the Korean peninsula. Donald Trump warns of a ‘major, major conflict,’ and Putin claims that the situation has ‘Seriously Deteriorated.’

During the 1950’s a Korean war did break out, and it claimed more than two million civilians and more than 33,000 US troops.

On that note, a war on the Korean peninsula could end up being quite catastrophic, given that now, North Korea also has nuclear weapons. A crisis with North Korea could involve other countries as well such as China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and several other Asian nations.

Russia, for example, has made deals with N.Korea that included in 2014 wiping away 90% of North Korean debt so that a pipeline could run through the nation to South Korea. Putin has warned that the situation has severely deteriorated, and requested that all sides try and work it out.

“We call on all states involved in the region’s affairs to refrain from military rhetoric and seek peaceful, constructive dialogue.”

China, on the other hand, is an ally of North Korea and has current deals for resources with hermit state.

However, Donald Trump is not backing down and has said that a “major conflict” was possible with North Korea though he would prefer to solve the standoff over the country’s nuclear and missile programs through diplomacy.

Diplomatically, the US has offered direct talks with the regime, but Rex Tillerson stated that North Korea had better prepare to hand over all of its nuclear weapons.

Donald Trump’s latest warning comes after US Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris spoke to congressional leaders and stated that the situation with North Korea was the worst he had seen. It was an assessment echoed by the president.

But that still hasn’t stopped Kim’s rhetoric, just recently the hermit state released yet another propaganda video, this time; the White House was in the cross hairs.

The situation with North Korea is still ripe for conflict, but at least for now, cooler heads have thus prevailed, and only time will tell if the West and North Korea can avail to peace diplomatically, otherwise given enough time, and enough strain the two will be at war.

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7 years ago

No Davy’s, this whole ‘war’ boils down to the inescapable fact that Fukushima is an ELE. Japan, SK, USA CHINAAND RUSSIA all have serious liabilities in one way or another tied to this the extinction event.

This war will provide the excuse for the ‘new damage’ to Fukushima cover story. Sad billions will die all all for money.

7 years ago

Killing someone for something they haven’t yet done is called murder. USA focus on yourself and stop adventuring. No one else seems to be posturing until we do. Food for thought. Escalation of violence is causing this. He is threatened therefore he does. One day this international carnage will come back to us.

7 years ago
Reply to  jimbrad

What you are alluding to is appeasement, which is what got us Hitler and the current mess with the little fat guy with the bad haircut. Had the European powers in 1937 cut the head off of the monster, there would have been no WW2. I think it is getting to the point we need to do that with this little creep.

7 years ago

This whole issue is just mind boggling, you can’t tell me that we(the world) will
allow this little tyrant to control the possibility of war when we, as do other
nations, have the ability to take him, as well as much of his military right out
of the picture. This would put an end to him and free his people from the slavery
they have been in for decades. So why do we allow it, could it be because he is
just a player for those who control, or want to control all of us keeping many living
in fear day after day. How sad yet so true.

7 years ago
Reply to  davyh

Jimbrad up top saying we”re looking for trouble!

Truth Warrior
7 years ago

This could escalate into a major regional conflict. Our economy can’t afford another major conflict. The fuse for world war three has already been ignited and will soon burst into flame in Syria. Kim Jung Oon is a hot head who blows hot steam with rhetoric and threats while brainwashing and starving his people. They are isolated from the free world. The globalists want a war to destabilize and draw major players like Russia and China against the US. Our economy will tank and the UN will step in to take over. They have always wanted to desolve our sovereignty and establish an American Union. Funded largely by George Soros. An invasion of Russia and China will be upon our shores and America will be chastised by God for letting sin run rampant,being tolerant of it, letting abortions continue and from turning away from God. The Luke warm Christians will be sifted and tried to produce strong Christ centered God surrendered obedient believers who please God and not men. God chastises every son that he loves.

7 years ago

And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.