The Dollar is Being Dumped Around the World; Debt Ceiling Debacle Could Lead to Economic Collapse

By The Editor  Published: March 27, 2017 — As global financial markets teeter on the edge of collapse, a report published this morning suggests that the run up in the U.S. dollar may be over. As of today, some 80% of post-Trump election gains have been wiped out and as noted in the special video report from Future Money Trends below, it appears that things are only going to get worse:

China sold more U.S. Treasuries last year than any country has ever sold in a single year… $188 billion worth… Japan is also making an exit, selling nearly $30 billion since election day… Belgium, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia have all become big sellers too…

Official national debt is $20 Trillion… the real debt has been calculated to be $200 Trillion… what’s not included in the official numbers is social security, Medicaid and Medicare obligations… Think about it… every penny spent on the military, welfare programs, foreign aid and even your Congressman’s paycheck… it’s all borrowed money…

As explained in the video report, our creditors know this and they are in the process of dumping their holdings before the whole system collapses in on itself.

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