The European Union is Reportedly In A ‘Civil War’ – Macron

By Nate Brown  Published: April 17, 2018

French President Emmanuel Macron is warning that the European Union is currently facing a ‘civil war’ of sorts between liberal democracy and illiberal democracies.

Macron further warned that the EU should not retreat into nationalism but rather that the European Union needs to be a bulwark for liberalism against a disorderly and dangerous world. Macron made such statements while he was addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

—- ‘We have a context of division and indeed doubt within Europe,’ he said. ‘There seems to be a sort of European civil war where selfish interests sometimes appear more important than what unites Europe.’  

Later, Macron accused nationalist leaders of offering a ‘game of fools’ as a response to voters concerns over a globalized economy. Continuing, the French President stated that returning to a national power is an illusion.

‘We must hear the anger of Europe’s peoples today,’ he said. ‘They need a new project. Those who trade on that anger are risking nationalisms tearing Europe apart.’

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Paul Coey
Paul Coey
6 years ago

The problem for the globalists is that ordinary people have woken up, and are appalled at the immorality now lauded within the modern, secular order. We are appalled at the recklessness of our governments, their incessant lies, their propagandizing the benefits of multiculturalism, when all around us we see the effects of their policies. We are appalled at how there is endless money for bank bailouts, but no reform of the mechanisms which led us to the precipice; we are appalled that there is endless money for illegal wars, but nothing for healthcare, that our aged and our children have been abandoned by a system that was meant to protect the most vulnerable in society.
President Macron is owned by the Rothschild family, and he is their current mouthpiece and puppet for their globalization, and their new, shiny, New World Order. Personally, I and many others want a world where my wife is safe on the streets, my children provided for and protected, my borders guarded and secure. The threat Macron speaks about is ordinary people’s reaction to the dangers he and his masters offer humanity.