George Soros Faces Lawsuit: Accused of ‘Puppeteering’ Government

By The Editor  Published: April 20, 2017

Tyler Durden — When an investment asset has potential to deliver returns for 100 years, the competition to be the sole owner can be intense. Such is the case with mining rights to the Simandou iron ore deposit in the West African nation of Guinea, where George Soros is involved in one of several lawsuits over the past few years. The dispute is aggressive, with Soros being called out as anti-Israeli in the suit, which dredges up well-worn charges the former hedge fund managers engages in a global conspiracy to manipulate numerous governments. The feud with Israeli mining magnate Beny Steinmetz dates back to 1998 and involves charges of manipulation and bribery.

BSGR Lawsuits fight against a “racketeer billionaire” who “puppeteered” government
The cost to develop Simandou is estimated at $20 billion, according to a Bloomberg report, and is estimated to have enough iron ore to deliver returns through the next generation and beyond. The fight brought by BSG Resources Ltd. (BSGR) involves some of the most successful billionaires and mining companies in the world.

BSGR filed suit against Soros and his Open Society Foundations in court Friday, opening the document by claiming Soros is a “racketeer billionaire” who “acts in utter disregard for the rule of law” while he “epitomizes” the well-worn phrase “power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The suit claims Soros and “his minions” used “fraud, illegality, defamation and criminal misconduct” to besmirch BSGR’s reputation, which led to them losing the contract to develop the mine in the Simandou mountain range.

Steinmetz and BSGR lost rights to develop the mine when the Guinean government ruled they obtained permits by paying million in bribes, including to the wife of the former President. They claim the government based the ruling on false reports spread by Soros and his affiliates, including the “Soros-funded law firm of DLA Piper.”

BSGR claims that Soros “threatened extortion” of their firm and through “his controlled entities puppeteered the government of Guinea, misled other elected officials and governmental entities including President Obama.”

The complaint said that “Soros’s hatred of plaintiffs did not stop in Guinea.” The inflammatory language extended to acquisitions that Soros was involved in anti-Semitism. “To Soros, Steinmetz’s success, as well as his active, passionate promotion of Israeli life, business and culture are anathemas. Soros is also well known for his long-standing animus toward the state of Israel.”

The lawsuit played into a well-worn conspiracy theory that Soros fabricated and spread lies, infiltrated other venues and governments, including in the United States, Switzerland, and Israel.”

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at Zero Hedge

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7 years ago

George Soros is the most corrupt billianire in the world and has uses his money for control over government and should be tried in a court of law and hanged by his neck until dead.

7 years ago
Reply to  Terry

I agree with you & actually feel we can throw the Koch brothers, the Mercer family & a healthy list of other uber wealthy scoundrels. They have a common thread among them; irregardless of political affiliation, greed, heart for corruption, disregard of others and control of all they can dig their grimy claws into…well in my book outside of Warren Buffett. I must say I don’t side with what could be best for them in terms of punishment, since I believe they are best left to God to sort out the wicked bunch of this world. Every dragon man/woman of this world will have their day of reckoning that will be void of favoring one political side over the other – which is actually meaningless in the grand scheme of things.