The Globalist End Game For Trump? CNN: Disaster Could Put Obama Cabinet Member In Oval Office

By Nate Brown  Published: January 19, 2017

With one day remaining before the power shift in America officially begins, CNN is pushing that a disaster could replace Trump with an Obama cabinet member.

Given the reality that mass protests are set to erupt on inauguration day, and the prospect of Martial Law by Rosie O’Donnell – there is a chance that intelligence agencies could have something else on the table, assassination.

Even though the left harped on Trump for not wanting to accept a peaceful transition of power, America is now witnessing the left at it’s truest form. The liberal ideology is in itself a paradox, seemingly absurd or self-contradictory, because after the elections they are not accepting the transition, they are pushing violence, and are set to shutdown Washington D.C.

Is CNN, the liberal fake-stream outlet which played a role in publishing the hoaxed Trump dossier, attempting to call for a coup? What say you reader?

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7 years ago

Pray for Mr Trump, his family and his cabinet. The democrats are satan led lizards. Ephesians 6:11-12, 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, BUT against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Audrey Orozco
Audrey Orozco
7 years ago

All I can say is to pray. Jesus is the only one that can change anything.

Audrey Orozco
Audrey Orozco
7 years ago
Reply to  futuret

Thank you for that link, it was very prophetic. Even so, I think President Eisenhower would be shock at the mess were in just 56 years later. It makes me sad that we are such a greedy, reprobate people. I pray all day long these days as I’m working. I know that God’s word will be fulfilled and it truly looks like that time is now. The stage is set and the actors are ready, only God can stop this or allow it to play out. His will be done.