Israeli minister Calls for the Assassination of Assad, CIA Documents Reveal Plans to Oust Assad for Oil Pipeline

By Nate Brown  Published: May 18, 2017

An Israeli minister has called for the assassination of Assad, and states it’s time to deal with Iran.

The reality whereby Syria executes people, intentionally uses chemical weapons to hurt them and, now, in the most recent move of extremism, is burning their bodies – this has not been seen in the world in 70 years,” said Israeli Housing Minister Yoav Galant, as cited by Haaretz.

We are crossing a red line and, in my view, the time has come to assassinate Assad,” he continued.

“And when we finish with the tail of the serpent, we will reach the head of the serpent, which can be found in Tehran, and we will deal with it, too,” he said.

This appears to be the first recorded direct threat from Israel against Syria; and it comes directly after the US State Department alleged that the Syrian government is using “a crematorium” outside Damascus to burn the bodies of people killed by the government.

Interestingly enough, according to CIA documents from the 80’s – they had planned to oust Hafez al-Assad, Bashars dad to make an oil pipeline.

According to the wording of the Israeli Minister, it would strongly appear as though tension within in the region is once again heating back up after a slight cool down, and it would also appear as though both Israel and the United States are configuring an agenda to oust Assad. Even though Donald Trump previously stated that he did not want to further destabilize Syria.

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Franklin Paredes
Franklin Paredes
7 years ago

The Bible does not support toppling Presidents, if the US is involved, and it is, the results won’t be good. (Saddam Hussein, Kaddafi).
1 Peter 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.