Massive Satanic Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Police in Norway after Arrest of 51 Men

By Nate Brown  Published: November 23, 2016

Police in Norway have filed charges against 51 men suspected of involvement in a massive pedophile ring.

Authorities seized 150 terabytes (150,000 gigabytes) of data, including photos, videos and chat transcripts between members of various pedophile networks.

Known as ‘Dark Room’, the police operation revealed sexual assaults against children as young as babies, according to The Local.

“The material shows the abuse of children of all ages, including infants,” Hilde Reikrås, head of Operation Dark Room, said at a news conference.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at The Independent

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Nakita Jo
Nakita Jo
7 years ago

So sorry, meant to say I heard that regarding child prostution was/is regarding the state of California. I live in Fl.

Nakita Jo
Nakita Jo
7 years ago

It is all one big ring. All these rings from all over the world is connected to one big ring, my opinion. I thought I heard on my christion radio channel (Moody radio channel in Florida, Tampa Bay location) that they were going to or is legal for child prostitution! I hope I misunderstood.

Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne
7 years ago

I would hold off a bit on criticizing Trump, since, he is being urged to prioritize his agenda. And I think that we should wait until he actually takes office to begin urging him to go after Hillary and those perverts behind her.

Actually, I believe that he is doing that with the same thoughts in mind. Once he is in office, I believe he will re visit each of these issues, but for now, he is simply looking for a smooth transition process, and I think he deserves that much.

Once he gets into office, I think his main priority would be to go after all of those associated with Hillary, Bill, Obama andHuma Abedin because it is obvious that the militant muslims were using the perverted people to move their militant muslim agenda using sex and money as powerful bribery tools.

Let’s give Trump 3 months or at least until he actually takes office after january of 2017.