Must See Interview Bernie Sanders Vs. Trump’s Pick For EPA; Climate Change is A Hoax?

By Nate Brown  Published: January 20, 2017

According to Bernie Sanders and apparently 97% of scientists, Climate Change is caused directly by Human actions.

However, historically, Climate Change happens all the time. A recent report published in USA Today proves this reality.

The planet sizzled to its third straight record warm year in 2016, and human activity is to blame, federal scientists announced Wednesday.

The last time the world was definitely warmer than today? Some 125,000 years ago based on paleoclimatic data from tree rings, ice cores, sediments and other ways of examining Earth’s history, said NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt said…

…A separate analysis of data from NASA concurred with NOAA’s findings. Most of the warming has happened in the past 35 years, and 16 of the 17 warmest years have occurred since 2001, NASA said.

Record high temperatures were set in 2016 on nearly every continent. No land areas were cooler than average for the year. Eight straight months (January through August) were also each the warmest since records began 15 years after the Civil War ended.

Well, around the time of the Civil War, human impact on the climate would have been minimal, because the vast industry that exists today, didn’t exist yet.

There is an agenda at play here, and we would all be wise if we understood it. To keep the lights on, organizations like the Rockefellers ‘needed a nation of workers, rather than thinkers.’ But now, clean energy is here – they no longer need workers, because they have technology.

We are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, and it is one that humanity will not return from because in this revolution humanity becomes the tool.

We do not live in a perfect world, and the earth changes quite often, and with those changes, the Earth responds violently.

To add more evidence to this claim, well before the industrial revolution, history strikes again, many years ago, there was no ice at the North Pole.

It is common knowledge that humans directly emit CO2 by breathing, so while scientists state that human ‘action’ is the problem what they are actually saying is that the existence of people is the problem. In other words, there are too many humans on Earth, thereby proving the depopulation agenda.

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7 years ago

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