Must See Shocking Video Exposing A Leader of the #WomensMarch As A Supporter of Sharia Law

By The Editor  Published: February 3, 2017

Ayaan Hirsi Ali responds to Linda Sarsour, leader of the #WomensMarch, who said she wishes to “take away Ayaan’s vagina.” – Fox News

When it comes the political left’s favorite Islamists, they have chosen a champion in Linda Sarsour. You may have seen her on a CBS panel of ordinary Muslim Americans. Perhaps you’ve seen her discussing the struggles of fasting on Ramadan in a new Huffington Post video; or, maybe you read the glowing profile of her last year in The New York Times.

Sarsour is the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY). She is an activist with political aspirations and she makes it a point to be seen at the events of any and every social justice cause known to man. Recently, she was featured on the cover of the ACLU’s magazine Stand. Her activism even led her to be honored by the White House as a “champion of change.”  Because of her close connection to New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio, her organization AAANY was able to secure millions in funding from the Mayor’s Fund.

Last year, Sarsour caused a stir when she announced that she was going to the Democratic National Convention as an at-large delegate and couldn’t decide if she was “going to behave or not.” In an interview with Politico, Sarsour explained that “not behaving is protesting” and that “the onus is on the party to make sure our voices are heard.”

Who is the real Linda Sarsour, and what views does she “voice” that need to be heard? Here are a few things the journalists writing glowing reviews of Sarsour kept out of their articles.

When she wasn’t busy vainly promoting herself and vying for people’s attention, she was stumping for Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders. According to the leftist Israeli newspaper Haaretz, she told a crowd of Bernie supporters in New York that she supports him because he “cares about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Sanders has been strongly critical of Israel.

Sarsour likes to highlight her support for a Jewish presidential candidate, and has made pronouncements condemning the use of anti-Semitic language. She has received condemnation from her Palestinian compatriots for recognizing Israel’s existence. However, she herself has a long history of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel statements.

In addition to supporting the discriminatory and terror-tied BDS Movement, she claims that “nothing is creepier” than the Jewish right to self-determination.  She regularly jumps onto Twitter to attack Israel. – Read More

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